What do you make of...?你觉得……怎么样呢?
I don't know my way around.我对这里不太熟。
be over? owing with...到处都是……
atherine: So, what do you make of Taiwanese food?
Jay: Well, it's different, that's for sure. But then again,
I don't know my way around, so I haven't gotten
very in depth into the cuisine.
Catherine: Oh, that can't do! Taiwan is over? owing with great
food! You have to be willing to try new things,
Jay: Yes, I've seen some things being sold that I never
would have thought could be eaten.
from every part came here, they naturally brought
Catherine: with them their home cuisines. Well, Taiwanese food is very diverse. People
from every part came here, they naturally brought
with them their home cuisines.
凯瑟琳: 你觉得台湾的食物怎么样呢?
杰: 嗯,可以确定的是,相当有特色。不过,我对这里不
太熟, 因此我对美食的了解实在不深。
凯瑟琳: 喔,这样是不行的!台湾到处都是好吃的食物!所以你一
杰: 是啊,我已经看过好多地方卖的食物,都是我以前从没想
凯瑟琳: 嗯,台湾的食物种类相当繁多。既然这里的人来自世界
1. 我对于上海的食物还不太了解。
1. So, what do you make of Taiwanese food?
I haven't gotten very in depth into the Shanghai cuisine.
I don't understand deeply about the Shanghai cuisine.
2. 这样是不行的!