英语听力汇总   |   躺着学万能会话6 跨年





 I can't believe another year has gone by. 我真不敢相信一年又这样过去了。
 Do you have any resolutions for...? 对于……你有什么新希望吗?
 You're as skinny as a rail! 你已经骨瘦如柴了!
 count down to midnight 午夜的倒数计时

Jay: I can't believe another year has gone by.  Do you
have any resolutions for the New Year?
Catherine:   Yes, I plan to lose 10 kg.
Jay:   But, you're as skinny as a rail!
Catherine:   Maybe to youehbut anyway, how are you
planning to celebrate the New Year?
Jay:   Not sure really, what's the norm in Taiwan?

Jay:   Are there many of them?
Catherine: Probably the same as you guys. Go out to a
Catherine:   party, stay up late with friends, and As many as the stars...just kidding, but there are count down to
very many throughout Taiwan.
Jay:   You don't go home to visit relatives?
Jay:   So, is Taoism the most popular religion here?
Catherine:   Nope, that's done during Chinese New Year.
Catherine:   Well, that depends on how you look at it.


Nowadays, Taoism and Buddhism are so
杰:       我真不敢相信一年又这样过去了。新的一年你有什么新希
intertwined that they are dif? cult to separate.
Jay:   Are there many Christians?
凯瑟琳:  有啊,我打算减肥十公斤。
Catherine:   Yes, in fact, it is the third most popular religion.
杰:         你已经骨瘦如柴了!
Jay:凯瑟琳: 对你而言可能是吧……反正就是这样,那你打算怎么庆Wow, that's an eye opener.
杰:         还不确定,台湾人都怎么庆祝呢?
凯瑟琳: 大概跟你们差不多吧!参加聚会、跟朋友玩到很晚、然后
杰:         你们不用回家去看亲戚吗?
凯瑟琳:  拜托,那是春节期间才做的事。


1. 你有什么新年愿望吗?
 Do you have any resolutions for the New Year?  
 Do you have any wish for the New Year?“ wish”指的是心中对某些事物的向往与希冀,“ resolution”指的是心中