Jay: Can I also take the MRT to get there?
Catherine: Yeah sure, it's much quicker. Do you know how?
Jay: No, can I trouble you to lend me a hand?
Catherine: Ok, not a problem. Let's go to the station.
Catherine: You have to buy a ticket ? rst. You want to go to
Shi Da, right?
Jay: Yeah.
Catherine: You had a long ? ight, you must be tired.
Catherine: Ok, then you need to go to Tai Power Building
Jay: Yes, and the food was horrible!
Catherine: Oh, sorry to hear that. But, don't worry! Taiwan
Jay: Where is that?
has plenty of great things to eat. First, let's get
Catherine: Look at the map to see where you are. Then look
you to the hotel.
at where you want to go. The number is how
Jay: much money you have to pay.Great! How will we be getting there?
Jay: Oh, that's simple enough.
Catherine: My car is in the parking lot, let's go this way. Let
Catherine: me help you withThen, when you have your ticket, you go wait on your bags.
the platform.
Jay: Anything else I should know?
Catherine: Just remember to hold on to your ticket. You need
it to get out of the station when you get there.
杰: 我也可以搭地铁到那里吗?
凯瑟琳: 当然可以,那样快多了。你知道怎么去吗?
杰: 不知道,我想你是否能带我去呢?
凯瑟琳: 好啊,没问题,咱们到地铁站去吧。
凯瑟琳: 你得先买票。你要到师大是吗?
杰: 是啊。
凯瑟琳: 这样的话,你必须搭到台电大楼站。
杰: 那站在哪里?
凯瑟琳: 看看地图吧。你只要找出你在地图上的位置,然后再找出
杰: 喔,很简单嘛。
凯瑟琳: 买好票以后,就到月台上等车。
杰: 还有什么需要注意的地方吗?
凯瑟琳: 只要记得保管好你的票就行了。当你到达目的地后,你需
1. No, can I trouble you to lend me a hand?不知道,你可以带我去吗?
近义用语 Well, I was wondering if you might help me out.
No, I was hoping you might show me.
Thanks, Could I bother you to give me a hand?good to meet you, too.
You had a long ? ight, you must be tired.
Could I trouble you for a cigarette?
Yes, and the food was horrible!
Sorry to trouble you, but do you know the way to Taipei
Oh, sorry to hear that. But, don't worry! Taiwan
Main Station?
has plenty of great things to eat. First, 不好意思打扰你了,你知道怎么到台北车站吗? let's get
you to the hotel.
2. Oh, that's simple enough.
Jay: Great! How will we b
近义用语 That sounds easy enough.me help you with your bags.
I can handle that!
Oh, that's a piece of cake.
Sounds like a walk in the park.
相关用法 Taking the MRT is simple enough; I'm sure you can
handle it!