英语听力汇总   |   《地球最后的夜晚》票房大跳水,都怪营销







A Long Day’s Journey Into Night took USD 38m on its opening day, but some viewers complained that marketing suggested it was a seasonal romcom, rather than a challenging drama.


As Variety reports, a campaign suggested the film was the perfect first-date film, with promotional messaging playing on the film’s Chinese title to ask potential viewers: “Do you know what kind of sweet talk you’ll use to invite someone to the last film of 2018, The Last Night On Earth?”


Some USD 15m of tickets were pre-sold, with many spots fully booked and cinemas hosting more screenings to cater for demand. State broadcasters joined social networking sites in stoking anticipation, asking: “How will you spend your last night of 2018? Watching ‘Last Night On Earth’ or eating a big meal?”

大约1500万美元的门票预售,许多电影院早已预订完毕,很多电影院加放以满足观影需求。 一些国营广播公司在社交网站上制造观影期待:“你将如何度过2018年的最后一晚? 是看《地球最后的夜晚》还是吃一顿大餐?”

But a backlash is spreading after many audience members said they felt short-changed by the film, and cheated into believing it was a much more mainstream movie. Some felt angered by what they suspected was cultural snobbery at play. Wrote one commentator on Weibo: “Those who say that the film had artistic meanings that we’re just unable to understand, please go eat shit.”

但是,许多观众表示他们有种上当受骗的感觉,强烈的不满蔓延开来,他们原以为这是一部主流电影。 有些人觉得这部片子充满了文化势利,因此他们感到很愤怒。 在微博上,一个网友写道:“那些说这部电影具有艺术意义,是我们无法理解的,这些人请去吃屎。”

Word of mouth proved so negative that takings fell to USD 1.5m on the film’s second day of release.
