英语听力汇总   |   《爱乐之城》为何能打破歌舞片魔咒?





Although it’s acceptable for characters from Disney animations (动画片) to suddenly break into songs and dances in the middle of a conversation, it’d still be weird (怪异的) for “real life” actors to do the same, wouldn’t it?

 迪士尼动画中,人物说着说着话突然载歌载舞起来,观众们还能接受,但要是 “现实情景”中的演员也这么做,是不是会让人感觉怪异呢?

But the impromptu (即兴的) songs and dances are what La La Land - a musical film - is all about. This pattern worked surprisingly well: The film opened last year’s Venice Film Festival, won a record-breaking seven Golden Globes in January, and it already has 14 Oscar nominations (提名), including best picture, best director and best costume design. La La Land was released in China on Feb 14.


But why is it that a musical is making history all of a sudden?


It’s believed that the current political climate is driving people toward light-hearted entertainment for relief – especially movies like La La Land, which tells a simple boy-meets-girl story. The tale takes place in an ever-sunny Los Angeles, where everything is painted in a positive light, which may be another attraction for those looking to escape the world for a short while.


“This was the only time for me since Nov 8 that I was successfully able to shut out all thoughts of Trump World for over two hours,” wrote The Guardian’s editor John Patterson. “La La Land, if only for a while, quite rid me of anger, cynicism (愤世嫉俗) and anxiety.”


This is not hard to understand if you think about the last time musical films had their moment of glory. It was more than half a century ago, back in the 1930s through to the 1950s, when the Great Depression (经济大萧条) hit the US.


“Politicians often allotted (指派) Hollywood the task of ‘cheering Americans up’ during the Depression, hoping that the entertainment industry could play a key role in distracting (使……转移注意力) Americans from the horrors (恐惧) of the economic downfall,” wrote Sydney Huber on the blog Music During the Great Depression.

“政治家们在经济大萧条期间,经常派给好莱坞‘鼓舞美国人’的任务,希望娱乐业能够在转移美国人对于经济衰退的恐惧上发挥重要作用。” 希尼•胡贝尔在一篇名为《大萧条中的音乐》博文里写道。

Despite being a musical filled with a dream-like atmosphere, La La Land has its fair share of realism. The boy-meets-girl story doesn’t end in a happily-ever-after way. Instead, they have to make a choice between their relationship and their careers, like many couples in the real world.


“There is a modern energy to it,” Damien Chazelle, the film’s director, told The Independent. “It was fun to take certain [characteristics] from fifties musicals, but put them in a modern city and film them in a modern way, and see what resulted from that.”

“影片中有种现代的力量,” 影片的导演达米安•查泽雷在接受《独立报》采访时表示。“将50年代的音乐剧的某些特点运用到现代都市,并以现代手法拍成电影,看看最终会产生什么效果,是一件很有趣的事。”