英语听力汇总   |   《我是布莱克》获金棕榈奖





CANNES, France — The 69th Cannes Film Festival,an event this year defined by peerless highs andembarrassing lows, ended on Sunday when thePalme d’Or was awarded to “I, Daniel Blake,” a filmabout a carpenter with a heart condition up againstthe heartlessness of bureaucracy, from the veteranBritish director Ken Loach. The award waspresented by Mel Gibson.

法国戛纳——第69届戛纳电影节(Cannes Film Festival)周日闭幕。本届电影节既有无与伦比的精彩瞬间,也有令人尴尬的时刻。金棕榈奖(Palme d’Or)授予《我是布莱克》(I,Daniel Blake),这部电影讲述的是一名患有心脏病的木匠对抗官僚机构的无情,出自英国资深导演肯·洛奇(Ken Loach)之手。颁奖嘉宾是梅尔·吉布森(Mel Gibson)。

Mr. Loach, a previous winner for “The Wind That Shakes the Barley,” accepted his prize first inFrench before switching to English. “We’re in the grip of a project of austerity,” he said,invoking the “catastrophe” of neoliberalism. He talked of cinema’s tradition of speaking to the“powerful and the mighty” and the need to show that “another world is possible andnecessary.”

洛奇曾凭借《风吹麦浪》(The Wind That Shakes the Barley)获得此奖。他发表获奖感言时先是说法语,后改为英语。“我们受到紧缩政策的控制,”他说。他指的是新自由主义的“灾难”。他谈到电影讲述“强大有力”事物的传统,以及需要展示出“有可能也有必要存在另一个世界”。

This year’s jury for the feature competition was led by George Miller (here in 2015 with “MadMax: Fury Road”), who lauded “the feast of cinema,” and also included the directors ArnaudDesplechin and Laszlo Nemes (his “Son of Saul” won the Grand Prize last year); a producer,Katayoon Shahabi; and a clutch of internationally recognizable names: Kirsten Dunst, ValeriaGolino, Mads Mikkelsen, Vanessa Paradis and Donald Sutherland.

今年故事片竞赛单元的评审团由乔治·米勒(George Miller,2015年他携《疯狂的麦克斯4:狂暴之路》[Mad Max: Fury Road]参与戛纳角逐)领导。他称赞本届电影节是“电影盛宴”。评审团还包括导演阿诺·德斯普里钦(Arnaud Desplechin)和拉斯洛·内梅斯(Laszlo Nemes,去年他的《索尔之子》[Son of Saul]获得评审团大奖[Grand Prize]);制片人卡塔永·谢哈比(Katayoon Shahabi);以及一群国际知名人士:克斯汀·邓斯特(Kirsten Dunst),瓦莱莉·高利诺(Valeria Golino),麦德斯·米克尔森(Mads Mikkelsen),瓦妮莎·帕拉迪斯(Vanessa Paradis)和唐纳德·萨瑟兰(Donald Sutherland)。

The ceremony included a brief tribute to Jean-Pierre Léaud, the screen immortal who playedAntoine Doinel for François Truffaut, beginning with “The 400 Blows”; Mr. Léaud received anhonorary Palme d’Or presented by a visibly moved Mr. Desplechin. The best actor award went toShahab Hosseini, one of the stars of the Iranian movie “Forushande” (“The Salesman”), from thedirector Asghar Farhadi. This smooth, schematic drama turns on a married couple who areperforming in a production of Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman” and whose lives areupended when the wife is attacked. Mr. Farhadi also won for best screenplay.

颁奖仪式包含一个向影坛常青树让-皮埃尔·莱奥德(Jean-Pierre Léaud)致敬的环节。莱奥德曾在弗朗索瓦·特吕弗(François Truffaut)的系列影片中饰演安托万·杜瓦内尔(Antoine Doinel),第一部是《四百击》(The400 Blows)。莱奥德从显然深受感动的德斯普里钦的手中,接过金棕榈荣誉奖。最佳男演员奖授予谢哈布·侯赛尼(Shahab Hosseini),他是伊朗电影《推销员》(The Salesman)的主演之一,该片导演是阿斯加尔·法尔哈迪(Asghar Farhadi)。这部流畅、严谨的电影讲述的是一对夫妇的故事,他们在演出阿瑟·米勒(ArthurMiller)的《推销员之死》(Death of a Salesman)。妻子遭到侵害后,他们的生活被彻底打乱。法尔哈迪也凭借该片获得最佳编剧奖。

The best actress prize was given to Jaclyn Jose, the star of “‘Ma’ Rosa,” a slice of naturalismfrom the Philippine director Brillante Mendoza. Ms. Jose plays a tough, low-level drug dealerwho peddles dope out of her small Manila store and, with her addict husband, is swept up inpolice corruption. The best director prize was, surprisingly, split between the Romaniandirector Cristian Mungiu, for “Graduation,” and to the French director Olivier Assayas, for“Personal Shopper.” The Jury Prize (effectively third place) went to “American Honey,” from theBritish director Andrea Arnold. “When I’m happy, I want to dance,” Ms. Arnold said, swaying tothe accompanying music.

最佳女演员奖授予《罗莎妈妈》(Ma’ Rosa)的主演贾克琳·乔斯(Jaclyn Jose),这部电影是菲律宾导演布里兰特·门多萨(Brillante Mendoza)的自然主义作品。乔斯饰演一位坚强的小毒贩,她在马尼拉的自家小店里兜售毒品,她和吸毒的丈夫被警察的腐败吞噬。最佳导演奖令人意外地由罗马尼亚导演克里斯蒂安·蒙久(CristianMungiu,凭借《毕业会考》[Graduation])和法国导演奥利维耶·阿萨亚(Olivier Assayas,凭借《私人采购员》[Personal Shopper])共同获得。评审团奖(Jury Prize,相当于第三名)授予英国导演安德烈娅·阿诺德(Andrea Arnold)的《美国甜心》(American Honey)。“我一高兴就想跳舞,”阿诺德一边说着一边随音乐起舞。

The Canadian filmmaker Xavier Dolan won the Grand Prix prize, second only to the Palme d’Or,for “It’s Only the End of the World,” a decision booed by the press, who watched theceremony in a live feed from a theater in the same building. “Thank you for feeling theemotion of the film,” Mr. Dolan said, choking up as booing continued from critics across thehallway. “The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Maki,” a black-and-white movie about a boxer,from the Finnish director Juho Kuosmanen, was awarded the prize for Un Certain Regard, asection reserved for younger and sometimes more adventurous filmmakers.

加拿大电影导演哈维尔·多兰(Xavier Dolan)凭借《只是世界尽头》(It’s Only the End of the World)获得评审团大奖,此奖仅次于金棕榈奖。这一决定引起媒体一片嘘声,他们在同一建筑的一个剧场里观看颁奖礼直播。“感谢诸位感受到这部电影的感情,”多兰说。他的话被走廊对面不断传来的评论家们的嘘声打断。芬兰导演尤霍·库奥斯马宁(Juho Kuosmanen)的《奥利最开心的一天》(The Happiest Day in the Life of OlliMaki)获得一种关注奖(Un Certain Regard)。这部黑白影片讲述的是一名拳击手的故事。一种关注单元专门授予更年轻、有时更冒险的电影导演。

The Caméra d’Or, for best first feature, went to “Divines,” from the French director HoudaBenyamina; it screened in La Quinzaine des Realisateurs, a program that runs parallel with theofficial selection. The Palme for the best short film was presented to “Timecode,” from theSpanish director Juanjo Giménez.

金摄影机奖(Caméra d’Or)是表彰最佳故事片处女作。今年该奖项授予法国导演乌达·本亚米那(HoudaBenyamina)的《女神们》(Divines)。它在导演双周单元(La Quinzaine des Realisateurs)展映,该单元与官方评选并驾齐驱。最佳短片奖授予西班牙导演胡安霍·希门尼斯(Juanjo Giménez)的《时间代码》(Timecode)。

Information about other winners is at festival-cannes.fr.
