英语听力汇总   |   《天空之眼》 女人应当追求男性角色





BBC News –Dame Helen Mirrenhas said actressesshould go after roles written for men.

BBC新闻 – 海伦.米伦说, 女演员应当追求为男人写的角色.

In her new film thriller Eye in the Sky sheplays anarmy colonel, a role originally written for a man.

她在新片惊悚片《天空之眼》中扮演陆军上校, 这个角色最初是为男人写的.

The actress said it made her"cross" that many roleswere given to men regardless of whether itwas thelead character.

演员表示, 许多角色不管是不是主角都给男人演令她“气恼”.

You look at a scene and it's going to beall men around a table and you think at least half ofthose could have beenwomen, she said.

“你随便看一个场景, 就会看到围桌坐的全是男人,而你觉得至少其中一半该是女人. ”她说.

Sandra Bullock last year revealed she hadgot her agent to find scripts with interesting maleroles and then pursued themfor herself. One of those roles was political drama Our Brand isCrisis,released in January, in which she played a campaign manager.

桑德拉.布洛克去年透露,她让经纪人去找有着有趣男性角色的剧本,然后为自己争取这些角色. 其中一个角色是一月份公映的政治剧《我们的品牌是危机》, 她在其中扮演竞选经理.

Dame Helen said the lack of roles for womenwas also markedly noticeable in the film industrywhen it comes to extras.

海伦夫人说, 就临时演员来说, 女性角色欠缺的现象在电影业也非常显著.

The only time that there are more women onthe set as extras is a swimming pool scene andthey're all in bikinis - anyswimming pool scene and suddenly it's full of women.

“片场唯一有更多女人作为临时演员的时候, 就是拍游泳池场景时, 她们都穿着比基尼– 拍任何一个游泳池场景, 就会突然挤满了女人.”

In Eye in the Sky Mirren plays an armyintelligence Colonel remotely commanding a top secretdrone operation fromLondon, attempting to capture a group of terrorists from their safe-houseinNairobi, Kenya.

在《天空之眼》中,米伦扮演一位陆军情报上校, 从伦敦远程指挥一次高度机密的无人机行动, 试图抓捕一伙藏身在肯尼亚内罗毕的恐怖分子.

Although the role was originally writtenfor a man the film's producers, who include actor ColinFirth and directorGavin Hood, had changed the part to a woman before it was offered toDameHelen.

虽然这个角色最初是为男人写的,但包括演员科林.弗思和导演加文.胡德在内的制片人, 把这个角色改成了女人,然后邀请海伦出演.,

Something she thinks was an "astutedecision" because it opened up debate.

她认为此事是“精明的决定”, 因为它引发了争论.

The film is about the discussions peoplehave when they leave the cinema and having a womanin that role allows you tomake that discussion, she said.

“电影关乎人们离开影院时的讨论, 让女人扮演那样的角色让你得以营造那种讨论氛围.”

As opposed to saying 'well that's men,that's what men do in war' ... I think Gavin veryastutely understood andrealised putting a woman [in the role] just changed the discussion.

“人们说的, 不再是‘唔,那是男人,那是男人战争中干的事’……我认为, 加文非常精明地懂得和意识到, 把女人放在男人的角色改变了讨论内容.”