英语听力汇总   |   小女孩因奥巴马将卸任痛哭不止 总统亲自安慰





  On Saturday morning just before Gymnastics, MyDranbaby found out that our President BarackObama was no longer going to be our President!!! Hehas been her President all of her life and Yes herbirthday is also on AUGUST 4!!!! My poor baby!!!”


  -- Posted by Caprina D Harris on Monday, February15, 2016


  A video of a young girl sobbing upon learning that Barack Obama's presidency was coming toan end went viral this week, garnering nearly 2.5 million views and more than 11,000comments. But on Saturday, one comment stood out from the rest.


小女孩因奥巴马将卸任痛哭不止 总统亲自安慰.png

  The president responded to Caprina Harris' video posted Feb. 15 of her "Dranbaby" cryinguncontrollably because she found out that Obama was no longer going to be president.


  "He can only serve two terms and his time is up," Harris is heard saying over the girl's sobs. "It's okay. We gotta vote for another president!"


  "I'm not ready. I'm not ready for a new one!" Harris' granddaughter wails. Harris explains in thecaption that Obama held the office of the president for the duration of the young girl's life.


  The young girl, who shares an Aug. 4 birthday with Obama, is comforted only by the thought ofwriting him a letter, and calling her mother.


  But Harris received a response quicker than the postal service when Obama commented onthe video Saturday afternoon.


  The comment, which had over 1,000 "Likes" and nearly 100 replies by Sunday morning, reads:


  "Caprina, tell her to dry her tears because I'm not going anywhere. Once I leave the WhiteHouse, I'll still be a citizen just like her. And when she grows up, she can get involved rightalongside me. In the meantime, I'll keep an eye out for her letter, and we'll always get tocelebrate our birthdays together!"
