英语听力汇总   |   萨顶顶拿反话筒暴露假唱 自黑下次演得更精细





  A well-known Chinese pop star accidentally revealedshe was lip-synching instead of singing during atelevised concert by brandishing her microphonethe wrong way around.


萨顶顶拿反话筒暴露假唱 自黑下次演得更精细.png

  Sa Dingding, a 32-year-old folk singer-songwriterfrom Inner Mongolia, was performing at the LanternFestival Gala broadcast on channel CCTV 15 whenthe embarrassing faux-pas occurred, according to areport by People's Daily Online. Opening the songwith a section of interpretive dance, the star only realized she was holding her microphoneupside down when she began singing.


  The video shows Sa smiling sheepishly as she quickly reverses her mistake before carrying onwith her performance like a true professional as if nothing had happened.


  After the broadcast ended, Sa reportedly took to Sina Weibo to tell her 1.6 million followers:'Next time I'll sharpen up my acting skills'. However, the post does not exist on Sa's accountthis morning. It's unclear whether or not she has taken it down. Some internet commenterswere not surprised, believing lip-synching is not uncommon in China.


  One user 'Chen Jianqiang' wrote: 'How many singers don't lip sync in China? It would be news ifSa Dingding doesn't lip sync.'

  用户'Chen Jianqiang' 评论道:中国有几个歌手真唱?萨顶顶不假唱,那才是大新闻呢!

  Others on Weibo argued Sa Dingding made her error on purpose to expose that she was askedto lip-sync by the director of the show.


  'Tu'er Joker' said the whole thing was a setup: 'It was definitely deliberate. She could have feltthe microphone in her hand'

  用户'Tu'er Joker' 说,“整件事情都是事先安排好的,这无疑就是故意的,她明明可以感觉到自己手上的麦克风。”

  In 2009, China introduced a national ban on lip-synching by its pop stars following thecontroversy over the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games, along with thepromise of a hefty fine.
