可问题是… …?如此重大的时刻竟适逢《星球大战:原力觉醒》的首映之夜,况且,谢耳朵都买好票了呢。看吧,艾米的生日正好在这一天,孰轻孰重,谢耳朵真是无所适从,直到绝地武士阿瑟(鲍伯·纽哈特饰演)梦中造访,鼓励他用一天的时间想清楚到底哪件事才是最重要的。
After five years, a near engagement and a breakup, Sheldon (Jim Parsons) and Amy (Mayim Bialik) will finally have sex on Thursday's The Big Bang Theory.
The problem? The big day coincides with the opening night of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, for which Sheldon has tickets. See, Amy's birthday is the same day and Sheldon has different priorities until Arthur (Bob Newhart) comes to him a dream and encourages him to spend the day with what's important to him (read: not Star Wars).
Needless to say, Sheldon heeds his advice, but he still needs some more pointers for the big night from Arthur.
Find out how it all goes down Thursday at 8/7c on CBS.
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