Claudia Sandoval is the “MasterChef” Season 6 winner.
第六届厨艺大师冠军得主是Claudia Sandoval。
The California native has only been in the bottom half of the competition twice throughout the entire season — including the episode before the finale.
Fellow semi-finalist Stephen Lee was eliminated during first half of two-hour finale, leaving Sandoval to go head to head with Derrick Peltz. The two finalists had a surprise visit from their friends and family for a few words of encouragement before they were set head to head to create a three course meal for the judges.
半决赛选手 Stephen Lee在决赛的上半场被淘汰了。而整个决赛持续了两个小时。Stephen Lee的淘汰让场上剩下 Sandoval 和 Derrick Peltz 两位选手。在进入最终PK——为裁判们烹饪三道菜之前,这两位决赛选手的家属和朋友突然出现,并为他们鼓气加油。
Peltz has a background in gourmet cooking and showed it with his ambitious advertiser of spiced pork belly with watermelon three ways as his appetizer. Sandoval seemed to know that she was on the right track when she tasted her tamale and brought herself to tears.
Peltz 在烹调方面小有经验。烹制了五香猪肚配西瓜作为开胃菜。Sandoval似乎知道自己的决定是正确的,在尝到自己烹制的玉米粉蒸肉时,不禁眼含泪水。
In the end her ability to turn her Mexican culture into stunning, gourmet style flavorful dishes put her over the top.
例句:The finale had 50,000 adults standing in open-mouthed wonderment.
例句:I was eliminated from the 400 metres in the semi-finals.
例句:A gourmet like him always eats in expensive restaurants.