《星球大战:原力觉醒》预告片 帝国风暴兵Finn手持光剑 更多BB8机器人将会亮相
“There’s been an awakening, can you feel it?”
That’s the primary question posed in the new “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” trailer that debuted on Instagram on Thursday (Aug. 27). If you can’t feel the awakening maybe you can feel the excitement of a closer look at Finn (John Boyega) with a lightsaber.
8月27日,周四,Instagram发布了《星战7》——《星球大战:原力觉醒》预告片,这是该预告片中主要的问题。如果你还未感觉到觉醒的力量,或许仔细观看一下芬(John Boyega),手持光剑,你就会体会到兴奋的感觉了。
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A new poster for the film revealed at D23 shows that Finn will be wielding the chosen weapon of the Jedi, but the teaser takes it to a new level by pumping up a showdown between him and Kylo Ren (Adam Driver). There’s also a quick glance at Rey (Daisy Ridley) and BB8.
迪士尼D23展会上展出了该电影最新的海报。在最新的影片中帝国风暴兵芬(Finn)将会挥舞着绝地武士的光剑,光剑将芬和大反派Kylo Ren之间的胜负对决推向了新的高度。同时电影的女主角Rey(黛茜·雷德利饰演)和BB8机器人也在展会上简短亮相。
Feel the force fully awaken on Dec. 18, 2015 when “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” flies into theaters.