“If Gared said it was the cold?” Will began.
“Have you drawn any watches this past week, Will?”
“Yes, my lord.” There never was a week when he did not draw a dozen bloody watches. What was the man driving at?
drive at指一方没有明说或者没有说,而另一方懂得他的意思。即暗示。
e.g.: It was clear that John didn’t understand what Tom was driving at.
要是搞不懂别人老在暗示I can’t guess what you’re driving at.你对我有啥意思没有?
Should I drop a hint to Matt? 这里drop a hint 表示透露一点,放口风。动词词组,表隐含的是名词,hint。
Mr. Thomas has indicated that he may resign. 这里的indicate意指不直白表达,拐外抹角地说。
What did she imply in her words? 这里imply是暗含,暗语。
后两个是动词表隐含。drive at 是固定动词搭配。
“And how did you find the Wall?”
“Weeping,” Will said, frowning. He saw it clear enough, now that the lordling had pointed it out. “They couldn’t have froze. Not if the Wall was weeping. It wasn’t cold enough.”
此处weeping & frowning 虽然两个词都是v-ing 形式,但前者是动名词而后者则是动词的现在分词。动名词顾名思义是名词,只是由动作演化过来的。而动词分词则是动词的变化形式,或者带有形容词性质表示人或事物的状态。
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