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Are there even zombies on this show? You might be thinking that considering we have yet to see a single walker in any Fear the Walking Dead photo released by AMC.


True, we saw a variety of flesh-eaters in the trailer, but clearly the network and producers want to keep the look of the “fresher” undead we’ll be seeing here relatively under wraps until the show debuts on Aug. 23. And that trend continues with this exclusive new gallery shot EW obtained of the core family at the heart of the drama.


In this new image, we see dating couple Travis (Cliff Curtis) and Madison (Kim Dickens) along with Madison’s children Alicia (Alycia Debnam-Carey) and Nick (Frank Dillane). They look a bit confused and a bit concerned. Why? Because they’re looking at zombies, for crying out loud! At least one must presume that. And they probably have no idea what zombies even are at this point because Fear picks up right as the apocalypse hits. Like I said, confusing. And concerning.


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