Sunday's episode will feature an epic gladiatorial match in which Jorah (Iain Glen) hopes to prove his devotion to Daenerys (Emilia Clarke), who in the previous episode banished him once again.
Glen previously told The Hollywood Reporter it would be a "massive, massive fight" in which Jorah would "risk all." Now Enzo Cilenti, who plays the slave master Yezzan zo Qaggaz, is sharing more details.
Jorah的扮演者Glen之前向《好莱坞报道》透露,这一集将会有非常宏大的打斗场面,在这场戏中Jorah会直接豁出去了。现在在剧中扮演Yezzan zo Qaggaz向我们透露了更多细节。
The episode comes after the unexpected battle between Jon Snow (Kit Harington) and the White Walkers — something that had yet to take place in George R.R. Martin's books.
这一集是在上一集Jon Snow遭遇未曾预料到的异鬼之战之后——是在原作者George R.R. Martin的原著中还未出现的剧情。