英语听力汇总   |   《纸牌屋3》英文观后感:繁华终归平淡时






The latest season of House of Cards opens with FrankUnderwood on the verge of becoming a sitting duck president,his empire slipping through his fingers like sand. And thatempire’s foundation – his marriage – appears to be falling to pieces as well.


Frank, on several occasions in this new season, states that he isn’t good enough for his wife. Andby all accounts, this is the plain truth. Where Frank operates like a brutal tyrant, Claire, thoughequally calculating, always enacts her devilish plans with class.


But despite Claire being perhaps even more talented at manipulation than her husband, she’salways played second fiddle to him. When Frank needs someone to infiltrate the United Nations, heuses Claire. When he needs someone to charm a Russian leader, he trots out Claire. When heneeds his confidence replenished – Claire.


Like many real-life first ladies, it’s frustrating to watch Claire live in her husband’s shadow, and ashas always been the case with the series, Claire’s turmoil is as entertaining as it is meaningful.


Season three is far from perfect. Like a nasty cold passes from one person to the next, one of theseries’ most exhausting subplots continues to be passed along season to season.


Doug Stamper isn’t that interesting a man, so it’s hard to understand why so much time is spenton him and his obsession with a long lost love interest. Who actually cares who Doug is in lovewith? His story’s constant reappearance is an indication that the show’s creators are possiblyrunning short on creativity. Doug is a distraction from the show’s most interesting component –the crumbling relationship between the first lady and the president.


This third season doesn’t reach the dramatic heights that the series’ opening does, but it farexceeds the blandness of season two. Is season three worth watching? Sure, if only becauseseason four threatens to outdo them all.


重点解析 Key Phrases/Words

1. by all accounts 据大家所说,人人都这么说

2. devilish adj. 残忍的,恶毒的,邪恶的

3. second fiddle n.二流的人,居二线

4. trot out v. 炫耀,使跑给人看,提出…供考虑

5. turmoil n. 混乱,焦虑

6. blandness n. 温柔,爽快