NBC发布通知,《汉尼拔》第三季将会在6月4日开播。通知还宣布了其他夏季剧的首播时间,比如《美国达人》《Aquarius》和《American Ninja Warrior》。
"Hannibal" Season 3 will reveal who Will Graham (Hugh Dancy) has lost after Season 2's dramatic cliffhanger. The network also announced Wednesday (March 4) that "The Slap's" Zachary Quinto will be joining the killer cast.
《汉尼拔》第三季将会从第二季结局之后,Will Graham身边离开的人将其。这部剧还放出消息,Zachary Quinto将会加入本剧,扮演一个杀手。
"America's Got Talent" will premiere its 10th season on May 26 at 8 p.m. ET/PT. Nick Canon returns as host with Howard Stern.
《美国达人》第十季将会在5月26日晚播出。Nick Canon将会回归和Howard Stern一起主持。