英语听力汇总   |   Maggie Smith参演《唐顿庄园》第六季 可能为最后一季





Actress Maggie Smith, who plays the Dowager Countess on the PBS hit drama, says she's likely done after the upcoming sixth season of the show.

《唐顿庄园》中扮演Dowager Countess的女演员Maggie Smith说,第六季很可能是她出演的这部剧最后一季。

Smith also hinted that the series itself could call it quits after Season 6.


"They say this is the last one, and I can't see how it could go on," Smith said in an interview with the Times of London. "I mean, [my character] certainly can't keep going. To my knowledge, I must be 110 by now. We're in to the late 1920s."

“他们说这是最后一季了,我觉得也必须这样了,”Smith在《Time of London》采访中说。“我在剧中角色的年龄肯定是没法再演了,剧中的角色应该都110岁了。剧情已经到了20世纪20年代。”