英语听力汇总   |   《行尸走肉》Beth将客串《闪电侠》





Fans of "The Walking Dead" who are still not over Beth dying in Season 5 can have a little bit of solace by knowing that Emily Kinney has booked her next TV role. The actress will be heading to "The Flash".

《行尸走肉》的粉丝们可能还在为Beth第五季的死而难过,不过Emily Kinney下一个电视角色已经确定了。她将会在《闪电侠》中出演。

The actress has been spotted filming for the CW comic-book show in Vancouver. The network is describing her character, Brie Larvan, as "a narcissistic tech wizard wreaking havoc in Central City".

日前这位女演员在Vancouver被人看到正在拍摄这部CW漫画改编的美剧。她的角色名叫Brie Larvan,是个“超自恋的科技天才,为了报复在Central City搞破坏”。

There's no official word on when Kinney's episode will air.
