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With the women in classic red and gold gowns and the men in sharp white-tie evening dress, these famous faces ooze old school Hollywood glamour.


But a closer inspection of this striking portrait reveals a British invasion of American film and television, for half of those photographed for the coveted March edition of Vanity Fair magazine are UK stars.


Over the last year Brits have dominated American box offices, television, and award ceremonies.


The image of this year's most celebrated actors and actresses was shot by acclaimed photographer Annie Leibovitz for the magazine's 21st Hollywood Issue.


It shows British celebrities including Eddie Redmayne, 33, Oscar nominated for hisportrayal of Stephen Hawking in The Theory of Everything, his co-star Felicity Jones, 31, and Imitation Game star Benedict Cumberbatch, 38.


Other celebrated Brits include Golden Globe nominee David Oyelowo, 38, who played Martin Luther King Jr. in Selma, and American Sniper star Sienna Miller,33.


Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter said in the issue's letter: 'We would have needed two issues to fully capture the breadth and strength of the British invasion.


'These are the people who invented the English language after all, and at no time does it come so alive as when they are speaking it. They certainly do better American accents than U.S. actors do British ones.'


The stars are joined by US counterparts Reese Witherspoon, 38, best actress nominated for Wild, Amy Adams, 40, who won a Golden Globe for Tim Burton's Big Eyes and Channing Tatum, 34, who stars in five-times Oscar nominated film Foxcatcher.


Other US rivals include Oscar Isaac, 35, of A Most Violent Year, and Whiplash star Miles Teller, 27.


Photographer Annie Leibovitz has photographed all but three of the Hollywood Issue covers since the first issue in 1995. She said this shoot had a 'hair-raising' intimacy.


'Usually you shoot from fairly far away, but we wanted to get really close to the actors. We made an effort to create a feeling of intimacy. I pushed into them, shooting to the left and then the right, coming in as tight as I could.'


The full issue is available February 5 in the digital editions and on national newsstands.
