在《Town&Country》杂志2015年2月刊上,Sophie Turner将会咋偶出自己的秘密花园。
Here’s what the 18-year-old Game of Thrones actress had to say:
On the show’s depiction of, and attitudes towards, women: “It’s based on history, on the Wars of the Roses, on Tudor times, where women didn’t really have a position in the world. But because it’s also fantasy, because it doesn’t need to completely recreate mediaeval times, they can put in these really strong female characters who have a voice in the world, really empowered women who can say what they want – like Daenerys, like Cersei, like Brienne of Tarth.”
On attending the casting call for Game of Thrones: “I didn’t even tell my mum about the first auditions.
The February issue of Town & Country is out on February 3rd.