《生活大爆炸》已经有了新客串演员了。《灵书妙探》男主Nathan Fillion将会在2月19日的那一集以自己的现实身份出现在剧中。
According to Entertainment Weekly, Fillion -- who also played Captain Malcolm Reynolds on "Firefly" -- will be spotted eating in a restaurant by Leonard (Johnny Galecki) and Raj (Kunal Nayyar), who can't decide if he's the real deal or simply a lookalike. That won't stop them from bugging him for a photo, though.
据《娱乐周刊》报道,在《Firefly》中出演的Captain Malcolm的Fillion将会被看到跟Leonard和Raj在餐厅吃饭,Leonard他们不知道自己看到的是真人还是人有相似。不过这不能阻止他们想要跟他合照。
Considering how big a fan Sheldon (Jim Parsons) is of "Firefly," he's bound to be devastated about missing meeting his on-screen hero. At least he was there when Summer Glau made a cameo as herself in Season 2.
Sheldon剧中是《Firefly》的铁杆粉丝,他肯定会因为没有见到自己超喜欢的荧幕英雄而沮丧。第二季他没见到Summer Glau的时候也是这样。