迪士尼的电影插曲一直以欢快荡漾、极具感染力而著称,它们常常能在你的脑海中回荡数月而不去。《冰雪奇缘》的主题曲Let It Go就是最近的一首代表之作。
Let It Go vocalizes movie protagonist Elsa’s decision to break free from the strictures imposed on her by outsiders. The song comes at a pivotal moment in the film in which Elsa triumphs over her insecurities and passivity.
影片中,Let It Go响起之处,正是主人公艾尔莎决定走出外界苛责之时。在这个关键的时刻,冰雪女王战胜了不安与消极,歌声也随之而起。
“This song expresses the positive and negative aspects of Elsa’s story, as she finds her freedom in a frozen home,” said Williams College musicologist W. Anthony Sheppard in an analysis of the song.
Kristen Anderson-Lopez, who co-wrote the track, told The Toronto Star she believes Let It Go’s global appeal is a result of its universal themes.
这首歌的词曲作者之一克里斯汀•安德森•洛佩兹在接受《多伦多明星报》的采访时则认为Let It Go的全球走红源自其普世性的主题。
“There are so many reasons that we all have fear and shame, and this particular, complicated Disney heroine has to kind of overcome that. I think people are responding to that, to this feeling of, like, I’m going to let my own unique power out and not live in fear of whatever it is I’m dealing with, whether it’s pressure to be a good girl and be beautiful and perfect and [get] good grades, or if it’s something deeper,” Anderson-Lopez said.
But Frozen’s success wasn’t as immediate as its current popularity might suggest. Prior to releasing the version sung by Idina Menzel (who also plays the voice of Elsa in the movie), Disney hedged their bets by releasing a version of the song sung by pop star Demi Lovato.
“Her version flopped, not just because the arrangement and delivery hobbled the song but because fans didn’t want Lovato to sing it: they wanted Elsa,” writes The Guardian’s Dorian Lynskey.
And Elsa they got. The version featuring Menzel has been played more than 250 million times on YouTube, has won an Academy Award, and topped the Billboard charts for weeks on end.
“Everyone is bringing their own interpretation to this song,” said Anderson-Lopez, “... and I’m glad about that.”