1、Top 1 Movie 最佳电影
With this touching coming-of-age drama, writer-director Richard Linklater accomplished so many groundbreaking things at once: Filming nonprofessionalactor Ellar Coltrane over 12 years, then folding his actual youth andadolescence into a fictional story starring Patricia Arquette and Ethan Hawke,Linklater created a new cinematic language, allowing past and present to meshas seamlessly as they do in real life. He allowed his actors to age naturallyand gracefully on screen, defying Hollywood’s usual age-phobic strictures. Andhe created a portrait of a family evolving, yet staying the same, that movedand resonated with anyone who had ever been a parent, or a child, or both。
作为一部感人至深的成长电影,作家兼导演RichardLinklater进行了大胆突破:追踪拍摄业余演员Ellar Coltrane长达12年的成长历程,并将其改编成小说和电影,由Patricia Arquette和Ethan Hawke出演。此外,Linklater 开创了一种新的电影语言,将过去和现在毫不突兀地融合在一起,如同现实中的生活。在他的电影中,演员自然而优雅地老去,毫无违和感。同时,他也描绘了一个不断变化,但却又从未真正改变的家庭,触动了无数父母和孩子的心,念念不忘,必有回响。
2、Top 1 Episode 最佳剧集
Mad Men (AMC)《广告狂人》 (AMC)
I left MadMen off my top-10 series list because the final season had just built up steam before it stoppedhalfway through. (See you in 2015!) But the second-to-last hour was one ofthe series’ finest ever。
3、Top 1 Song 最佳歌曲
“Flawless,” Beyonce &Nicki Minaj 碧昂斯&妮琪·米娜 《完美无缺》
Like last year’s original, the remix reminded listeners of Beyoncé’s innovative; it further infiltrated our lexicon (find the American youth who hasn’t posted an “I wokeup like this!” selfie); and it had some choice words about celebrity (see:Beyoncé’s last laugh on the Solange-Jay Z elevator dust-up)。
4、Top 1 Album 最佳专辑
LP1, FKA twigs FKA twigs(罗伯特·帕丁森的现女友)的《LP1》
After spending a few years working as a backup dancer for the likes of Kylie Minogue, Jessie J and Ed Sheeran, FKA twigs - the stage name of British recording artist Tahliah Barnett - stepped into the spotlight herself. She followed up two critically acclaimed EPs with her first full-length, LP1, but unlike the stars she’s danced for, Barnett’s debut album was anything but easy pop listening. Equal parts delicate and disorienting as Barnett moved between high-pitched whispers to digitally distorted moans, LP1 stood out as one of the year’s most impressive debuts for its mercurial, genre-agnostic instrumentation and provocative lyrics about seizing control of her sexuality. No wonder Google recruited her to star in a Google Glass advertisement - LP1 isn’t just an album, it’s an immersive sensory experience。
红极一时的FKA twigs出道前曾给凯利·米洛、Jessie J、艾德·希兰等大牌歌手担任伴舞。继发表了广受好评的两张EP后,神婆首次发表了新专辑《LP1》。该张专辑并不是走通俗上口的流行音乐路线,专辑中是缓慢流动的欲望与绵密低语,FKA twigs在厚重的词曲意像中,透过纤细婉转的嗓音唱出了情爱欲望,破碎零散、呢喃飘忽。无怪乎Google眼镜邀请她代言:LP1不只是一张专辑,它是一次身临其境的感官体验。
Science and Tech 科学技术榜
Apple Watch 苹果手表
Apple Watch wants to do to your wrist what the iPhone did to yourpocket: stick a computer there. For at least $349, watchwearers will accessapps, weather, photos, texts, emails, payments and, through Apple’s HomeKitsoftware, control thermostats, door locks, televisions and lights. First revealed this year but not on store shelves for a few more months, it’s adaring foray into the wearable market: Apple could be the first company to make wearable computers ubiquitous。
Snapchat 阅后即焚
The self-destructing photo messenger has been a social media staple since 2012, but 2014 was a break through year for the once-outlandish startup idea from three Stanford undergrads. Snapchat surged in popularity earlier this year, boasting over 700 million photos daily by May 2014, up from 20 million per day in 2012. And in the Facebook- and Twitter-dominated social media scene, Snapchat also shed its reputation as a second-tier player this year, scoring a mind-blowing $10 billion valuation in August and launching its first ads in a savvy monetization move in October。
由三名斯坦福学生开发的Snapchat这款“阅后即焚”式的照片分享应用2012年上线,在2014年实现了巨大突破。今年早些时候Snapchat用户暴增,截止5月份每日共有超过7亿照片通过Snapchat 分享,而在2012年这一数据仅为2千万。在 Facebook、Twitter主导社交媒体的情况下,Snapchat也为自己赢得了一席之地。
Pop Culture 流行文化榜
The Celebrity Nude Photo Leak 美版“艳照门”
In late August and early September, hacked photos belonging to female celebrities like Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton and Kirsten Dunst leaked online and spread across sites like 4chan, Imgur and Reddit. Naturally, extreme online chaos ensued. People scrambling to view the photos, other scrambling to get them taken down. People imploring their fellow citizens of the Internet not to view the images, others panicking about the security of their own photos stored in Apple’s iCloud. About a month after the photos leaked, Jennifer Lawrence opened up about the saga to Vanity Fair. “It is not a scandal. It is a sex crime,” she said. “It is a sexual violation. It’s disgusting。” Actress Gabrielle Union, another victim of the hack, described the situation like this: “It felt like The Hunger Games: You’re waiting to be attacked. People are critiquing and judging, cheering for more. They’re shouting, ‘Next! Next!’” Though the initial shock and chaos has quieted down, the hack continues to prompt discussions about privacy, security and violation。
Guy’s Music Video for Celine Dion’s “All By Myself”/ 席琳·迪翁的“All By Myself”
When Richard Dunn was stuck at Nevada’s McCarran International Airport foran entire night, he made a music video of himself lip-syncing to Celine Dion’s “All By Myself。” It became an overnight sensation, and even caught the pop star’s eye。
当Richard Dunn被困在内华达机场长达一夜时,逗比的他就对嘴翻唱了席琳·迪翁的“All By Myself”,谁知这首无聊之作一夜之间红遍大江南北,甚至引起了歌届大咖的注意。
Budweiser:“Puppy Love” 百威啤酒:小狗之爱
When it comes to a good commercial, interspecies friendship is the trumpcard. Anheuser-Busch and ad agency Anomaly scoreda touchdown with their heartwarming Super Bowl ad “Puppy Love。” The spot follows the growing friendship of a mischievous puppy and the Clydesdale horsenext door. After viewers were done reaching for the Kleenex, they voted it thetop Super Bowl ad on Hulu and viewed the spot more than 53 million times onYouTube。
Ellen’s Oscars Selfie 艾伦的奥斯卡自拍
And the award for most retweeted tweet in history (so far) goes to…the selfie Ellen DeGeneres orchestrated at the 2014 Academy Awards, starring Jennifer Lawrence, Channing Tatum, Julia Roberts, Kevin Spacey, Brad Pitt, LupitaNyong’o, Angelina Jolie, Bradley Cooper, Meryl Streep andJared Leto
Malala Yousafzai Wins the Nobel 马拉拉·尤萨法扎伊获得诺贝尔奖
When Malala Yousafzai shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Indian child rights activist Kailash Satyarthi in October, it was a watershed momentfor women and girls everywhere. The Pakistani crusader for women’s education survived a horrifying assassination attempt by the Taliban in 2012 to becomeone of the world’s most powerful advocates for women’s equality and equalaccess to education
Pizza Hut 必胜客
Pizza Hut adopted a new logo. The new look does away with blackletters and contains the company name in a pizza-shaped red circle。