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It's official! When the Doctor returns next season, he'll still be wearing Peter Capaldi's face. Current Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat confirmed the news to The Hollywood Reporter on Monday. Unfortunately, he was less forthcoming about Jenna Coleman's future in the TARDIS.

官方消息来了!下一季的《神秘博士》还是Peter Capaldi来扮演。《神秘博士》现任制片人Steven Moffat周一向《好莱坞报道者》确认这个消息。不过他没有对Coleman要离开TARDIS的消息表态。

Coleman has portrayed companion Clara Oswald for the last two years, first joining the series during the Matt Smith era. Rumors of her departure from the long-running science fiction series.

过去两年,Coleman这个角色由Clara Oswald扮演,他首次出现还是在Matt Smith当神秘博士的时候。有消息称她将会离开这部超长寿命的科幻英剧。