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Sony’s ‘The Interview’ Will Come to Some Theaters After All


LOS ANGELES — Sony Pictures said on Tuesday that it had secured a limited theatrical release for “The Interview” on Christmas Day.

洛杉矶——索尼电影娱乐公司(Sony Pictures)周二表示,已与数量有限的影院达成一致,将在圣诞节当天公映影片《采访》(Interview)。

“We have never given up,” Michael Lynton, chief executive of Sony Entertainment, said in a statement. He added that in addition to the limited theatrical release, “We are continuing our efforts to secure more platforms and more theaters so that this movie reaches the largest possible audience.”

“我们从未放弃,”索尼娱乐(Sony Entertainment)首席执行官迈克尔·林顿(Michael Lynton)在声明中称。他还表示,除了有限范围的公映,“我们仍在努力使该片登陆更多平台和院线,从而让尽可能多的观众观看到这部电影。”

Last week, about 80 percent of the theaters in the United States and Canada refused to show “The Interview” in the face of a terror threat. But over the last day Sony reached out to theater owners again, asking if they would rebook the film.


One person briefed on the effort said on Tuesday that it appeared unlikely that big chains like Regal or AMC would come on board but that Sony was likely to patch together distribution for the film in 200 to 300 smaller theaters. Already some theaters, like the Alamo Drafthouse chain, based in Austin, and the Plaza Theater in Atlanta have said they would show the film.

一名知情人士周二表示,帝王娱乐集团(Regal Entertainment)和AMC娱乐(AMC)等大型连锁影院似乎不大可能答应这个请求,但索尼或许可以通过总共200到300家较小的影院发行这部片子。一些影院已经表示将放映该片,包括奥斯汀的Alamo Drafthouse院线和亚特兰大的Plaza Theater。

“Sony has authorized screenings of ‘The Interview’ on Christmas Day,” Tim League, the chief executive of the 30-theater Alamo chain, wrote on Twitter on Tuesday morning. Mr. League did not immediately respond to a query.

“索尼已授权我们在圣诞节当天放映《采访》,”拥有30家连锁影院的Alamo的首席执行官蒂姆·利格(Tim League)周二上午在Twitter上写道。他没有立即回复记者的采访请求。

Representatives of the four largest theater chains in the United States either declined to comment or had no immediate comment. The people who were briefed on Sony’s effort insisted on anonymity because the negotiations over the film’s release were continuing.


Even a 300-theater run would be largely symbolic in financial terms. Sony had planned to release “The Interview” on 2,000 to 3,000 screens in North America.


A new facet of Sony’s discussions with theater owners is any simultaneous video-on-demand effort. Theaters, worried about the possible impact on ticket sales, remain adamant about refusing to open their doors to any film that is showing or about to show elsewhere, according to people briefed on the discussions. Studios typically give theaters a monthslong exclusive window to play new movies.


It remained unclear, however, whether any on-demand service would take “The Interview.” According to people briefed on the matter, Sony had in recent days asked the White House for help in lining up a particular technology partner but no deal had materialized. Sony had particularly hoped for a partnership with Apple.


A release plan would end a mad scramble on the part of Sony to find a way to get “The Interview” seen and begin a new period of disquiet for the studio and its partners. The hacker group that digitally ransacked Sony beginning late last month, and that threatened theaters with violence if they played it, also warned that the assault would continue if alternate distribution plans were made.


“The Interview,” which stars Seth Rogen and James Franco, is an R-rated comedy about the assassination of the North Korean ruler Kim Jong-un. The F.B.I. has publicly identified North Korea as “centrally involved” with the attack on Sony.

由赛斯·罗根(Seth Rogen)和詹姆斯·弗兰科(James Franco)主演的《采访》是一部定为R级的喜剧,讲述的是刺杀朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong-un)的故事。美国联邦调查局(FBI)已公开指认朝鲜与索尼遭到的攻击“密切相关”。

“The Interview” had been scheduled for release on Christmas Day. But when hackers on Dec. 16 warned of 9/11-scale violence if the film were shown, multiplex owners canceled their bookings in the face of pressure from their lawyers, shopping mall landlords and even Sony competitors, which were worried about their own films.


Theater owners and government officials have been trying to assess the threat’s credibility. One person briefed on the exhibitors’ deliberations said law enforcement officials had become less inclined over the last few days to see the threat as serious.


Still, people briefed on the deliberations said theaters showing the film might take unusual security measures, perhaps by banning backpacks or packages or posting signs advising customers of added risk.


Sony at first said it was shelving “The Interview” completely but quickly decided to look for a mainstream cable, satellite or online movie distributor to adopt the film. Worried about the repercussions of allowing a foreign power to censor American artistic expression, a wide range of people — President Obama, Salman Rushdie, numerous Hollywood stars — publicly pressured Sony to find an alternative.

索尼起初宣布将彻底搁置《采访》,但很快又决定寻找主流的有线、卫星或在线电影发行商来接受该片。包括奥巴马总统、萨尔曼·拉什迪(Salman Rushdie)和众多好莱坞明星在内的许多人,对容忍外国势力审查美国的艺术表达带来的后果感到担忧。他们公开向索尼施压,要求它寻找替代方案。

But finding a new delivery route has been complicated.


Satellite operators, cable systems and online platforms worried that they would become hacking targets if they picked up “The Interview.”
