英语听力汇总   |   《马克·波罗》能否复制《纸牌屋》的成功





How to Build an Empire, the Netflix Way


In the first episode of “Marco Polo,” Netflix’s coming original series, the Mongolian emperor Kublai Khan sits on a throne in his gilded palace and plots the future conquests of his growing empire.

在Netflix即将上映的原创新剧《马可·波罗》(Marco Polo)第一集中,蒙古大汗忽必烈坐在镀金宫殿的王座之上,为不断扩张的帝国制定未来的征服计划。

One adviser questions whether the ruler desires to be emperor of Mongolia or emperor of China. Khan rises from his throne, draws his sword and roars: “Emperor of China? Emperor of Mongolia? I want to be emperor of the world!”


Such an audacious declaration could very well have been written for Netflix itself as it pursues global expansion at breakneck speed. This streaming company has pushed aggressively into just over 50 countries and counts more than 50 million total global subscribers. Conquering foreign lands is now crucial as its growth slows in the United States.


“It is no secret that we want Netflix to be a global product,” said Ted Sarandos, its chief content officer. “That is the mission.”

“我们希望Netflix成为全球性公司,这不是什么秘密,”公司内容总监泰德·萨伦德斯(Ted Sarandos)说,“这就是我们的任务。”

As was the case with Kublai Khan’s 13th-century empire building, Netflix’s 21st-century mission will involve a series of battles as the company encounters vast cultural differences, fierce rivals and high costs, among other challenges.


Already, Netflix has stumbled. Infrastructure issues like establishing payment systems for customers proved difficult in Latin America. And about a fifth of the company’s market value has evaporated since mid-October, after it disappointed investors with slower-than-expected subscriber growth that followed its September debut in France, Germany and other European markets. Some analysts have raised concerns that rapidly rising obligations tied to paying for content (totaling $8.9 billion as of September) could leave it in a precarious financial position in the long term.

Netflix已经犯过错。在拉丁美洲,建立用户付费体系等基础设施被证明十分困难。公司于9月登陆法国、德国与其他欧洲市场,但订阅用户的增长速度比预期缓慢,令投资者极其失望,因此10月中旬以来,公司的市场价值随之缩水了五分之一。有些分析者担心,公司因购买内容而承诺的版权费用迅速增长(9 月份已达到89亿美元)会令公司的长期财务状况处于危险之中。

Media executives and analysts predict that as Netflix pushes ahead with its global mission, it will face threats from local insurgents, as a growing number start streaming services of their own. It must also outmaneuver competitors like Time Warner’s HBO, which already has a robust international business and announced a streaming deal last week in China.


“Netflix is the one that everybody speaks about, but there are lots and lots and lots and lots of others,” said Keith LeGoy, president of international distribution at Sony Pictures Television. “New streaming services are launching every week.”

“所有人都在谈论Netflix,但还有很多很多很多很多别的公司,”索尼影视公司国际分销部门总裁基思·勒格伊(Keith LeGoy)说,“每周都会出现新的流媒体服务商。”

Netflix’s global ambitions mirror a quest across the media industry to offset slowing domestic growth by expanding abroad. “Some people have said that it is checkmate before it started,” said David Bank, a media analyst at RBC Capital Markets. “But it is really, really early days.”

Netflix在全球的野心反映出传媒行业通过海外扩张抵销缓慢的国内增长的一种努力。“有些人说这从一开始就是一场死局,”RBC资本市场的分析师大卫·班克(David Bank)说,“但现在这样说真的为时过早。”

Netflix is doubling down on its international bet, preparing to enter markets like Australia and New Zealand next March, and snapping up the global rights for original film and television programs. But perhaps its biggest content wager is “Marco Polo,” its series about the 13th-century traveler’s adventures in the court of Kublai Khan. Netflix owns the international rights for the show, which is produced by the Weinstein Company, an independent studio, and will be available for streaming on all of Netflix’s global outposts on Dec. 12.

Netflix在国际市场投下了双倍赌注,打算在明年三月进军澳大利亚和新西兰等市场,并抢购若干原创电影与电视节目的国际版权。但它在内容方面最大的赌注或许还要算是《马克·波罗》,该剧讲述13世纪一位旅行家在忽必烈汗宫廷中的冒险经历,由独立制片公司韦恩斯坦公司(Weinstein Company)摄制,Netflix拥有国际版权,12月12日起将可以在Netflix全球所有流媒体站点上观看。

At about $90 million for the first season’s 10 episodes, according to industry executives, the East-meets-West epic is not only Netflix’s most expensive original production to date, but also one of the most expensive series today. Only “Game of Thrones,” on HBO, is said to surpass that steep budget.

公司人士透露,这部史诗片是关于东西方的碰撞,第一季有10集,耗资9000万美元,不仅是Netflix迄今斥资最多的原创剧,也是目前最昂贵的剧集之一。据说只有HBO台的《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)超过这一高昂预算。

While Netflix has a number of original programs in the pipeline, the success of “Marco Polo” will serve as a referendum on how well its original programming strategy performs on a global stage.


Some rivals and analysts said that replicating Netflix’s early success with the drama “House of Cards” and the dark comedy “Orange Is the New Black” for international audiences could prove challenging. The programs generated buzz, won awards and are credited with attracting subscribers. While Netflix did not own global rights to those productions — meaning “House of Cards” appeared on rival TV networks in France and Germany, for instance — executives say the shows helped bolster awareness and perception of Netflix abroad.

Netflix早期凭借剧集《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)和黑色喜剧《女子监狱》(Orange Is the New Black)赢得了海外观众,一些竞争者和分析师认为,要复制这一成功将会很难。那几部剧集产生了轰动效应,赢得了众多奖项,为公司吸引了订阅用户。但 Netflix并不拥有这些剧集的国际版权——举例来说,在法国与德国,《纸牌屋》都是由Netflix的竞争对手电视台播放的——公司人士说,这些剧集为Netflix在海外赢得了关注。

Executives and producers said they hoped that “Marco Polo” — filmed in Italy, Kazakhstan and Malaysia with an international cast of hundreds and filled with gory battles, sexual allure, adventure, martial arts and political intrigue — would resonate with viewers around the world.


“At the heart of it is a universal story,” said John Fusco, the creator and an executive producer of the series. “The journey of Marco Polo is the hero’s journey, one that all cultures across the globe can relate to.”

“它在本质上是一个普遍性的故事,”剧集创作者和执行制片人约翰·福斯克(John Fusco)说,“马可·波罗的旅行是一次英雄的旅行,能为世界上所有文化所理解。”

Mr. Fusco is intimate with that journey. Known for his work on “The Forbidden Kingdom,” the martial-arts film, and on the thriller “Young Guns,” he said he was captivated as a child by Chinese culture and has been fascinated with Marco Polo’s story ever since. “You cannot read about that stuff without coming across the name Marco Polo,” Mr. Fusco said.

以武侠片《功夫之王》(The Forbidden Kingdom)和《少壮屠龙阵》(Young Guns)闻名的福斯克对这种旅行并不陌生。他说自己从小就迷恋中国文化,一直都喜爱马可·波罗的故事。“阅读和中国有关的东西,就无法回避马可·波罗的名字,”他说。

While shooting “Forbidden Kingdom” in 2007, he and his son, Giovanni, then 13, crossed Central Mongolia on horseback, following the Silk Road and tracing the Genghis Khan trail. Along the way, Mr. Fusco said they encountered story after story about Kublai Khan and Marco Polo and the missions the adventurer took to various Mongolian villages.


“It always circled back around to Marco Polo and Kublai Khan,” Mr. Fusco said. “That always fascinated me because so few people make the connection between the two. Marco Polo has been kind of buried under this cloud of rather banal historical dust when the true story is so much more exciting.”


After pitching the idea around Hollywood, Mr. Fusco eventually heard from Harvey Weinstein, whose company has been expanding its television business.

福斯克在好莱坞到处推销这个故事,最终从哈维·韦恩斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)那里得到了回音,他的公司正在扩展电视业务。

Ben Silverman, chairman of the multimedia studio Electus, recalled having lunch with Mr. Weinstein about five years ago at the rooftop garden of the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills, talking about great stories in the public domain that would intrigue viewers across cultures. The two brainstormed about how to create an East-meets-West drama that would include the appeal of a foreign land, but also a Western character who could connect it.

多媒体制片公司伊莱克图斯(Electus)的总裁本·席尔瓦曼(Ben Silverman)回忆五年前曾与韦恩斯坦在贝弗利山庄的半岛酒店屋顶花园共进午餐,两人聊起公共版权领域内一些能吸引跨文化观众兴趣的精彩故事。两人做了一番头脑风暴,想拍出一部以东西方相遇为题材,涉及异国风情,但用一个西方人角色作为串联。

“Immediately, it was Marco Polo,” Mr. Silverman said. “There was genuine excitement about bringing the Asian storytelling style to the global audience.”


The Weinstein Company and Electus announced in 2012 that they had found a home for the series on Starz, the premium cable network, with Mr. Fusco as the writer. At the time, Mr. Weinstein boasted to the Hollywood publication Variety that the program would be “one of the most expensive shows ever done for pay TV.”


Production soon hit roadblocks. Executives wanted to shoot the series in China, but censors raised issues about the violence and sexual aspects of the story. Projected costs started escalating.


Seeking a bigger budget, producers took the idea to Netflix, which had recently started pouring resources into its own original series. Mr. Sarandos said Netflix was not looking specifically for a show that would appeal to international audiences, but rather human stories that were rich and relatable. He picked up Mr. Fusco’s scripts, which had been inspired by Marco Polo’s own accounts, couldn’t put them down and signed on to the project.


“The characters that were created and the relationships that were created, you can lift them up from the time and the place and put them somewhere else, they would work just as well,” Mr. Sarandos said. “They were that well written.”

“剧中的人物与人物关系可以超越时代与地域,放到任何地方都同样适用,” 萨伦德斯说,“他们刻画得非常好。”

The resulting production is on a scale much larger than the series planned at Starz. The construction crew included 400 people, with an additional 160 in the art department. The team built 51 sets in Malaysia, including Kublai Khan’s opulent throne room. For battle scenes, hundreds of extras appeared costumed and on horseback.


A global search to cast the role of Marco Polo came down to the wire. Producers had looked at more than 100 actors, holding auditions in London, Australia and Los Angeles, but still hadn’t found their star. Mr. Fusco’s wife, an acting coach and a teacher of Shakespearean drama, stayed up one night, went through the audition tapes and found a little-known Italian actor named Lorenzo Richelmy.

直到开拍前一刻,剧组还在全球寻找饰演马可· 波罗的演员。制作人们面试了100多名演员,在伦敦、澳大利亚和洛杉矶都举行了试镜会,但是仍然没能找到适合的演员。福斯克的妻子是演员指导,也教授莎士比亚戏剧,一天晚上,她熬夜观看试镜录像,发现了名不见经传的意大利演员洛伦佐·里奇尔米(Lorenzo Richelmy)。

Mr. Richelmy, 24, flew to Malaysia and landed the role. He started an intensive training program that included four hours in the gym, martial arts and horseback-riding lessons each day.


Producers brought on a team of cultural advisers and historians to ensure that the narrative would be authentic enough to hold up to viewers worldwide. They noted details, such as how men would bow before the emperor and how to hold shields when riding horses. Filming wrapped up in Malaysia in August after a five-month shoot that started in the canals of Venice.


“We just tried to make the most exciting, entertaining show we could about this very special world and hope that it would be accessible in a lot of different markets, in a lot of different regions,” said Dan Minahan, an executive producer of the series.

“我们只想试着拍出最刺激、最有趣的剧集,反映出这个非常特别的世界,希望它能打入许多不同的市场和地域,”剧集的执行制作人丹·米纳罕(Dan Minahan)说。