英语听力汇总   |   Idina Menzel将在2014奥斯卡献唱《Let It Go》





The 2014 Academy Awards announced Tuesday morning that Idina Menzel will perform Frozen’s hit song “Let It Go” during this year’s Oscar telecast.

奥斯卡官方星期二早上宣布,百老汇歌手伊迪娜·门泽尔将在2014第86届奥斯卡颁奖典礼上献唱迪斯尼动画片《冰雪奇缘》超热插曲《Let It Go》。


Menzel performs the song in the 2013 Disney animated hit in the character of Elsa. You can watch the performance in the film below thanks to Disney who released it on YouTube. It has collected an impressive 86 million views since December 6.

这部2013年迪斯尼动画片里,门泽尔为主角Elsa 配音并配唱。迪斯尼早已把这首歌发布在 YouTube 上,你上网就能看到电影里的精彩片段。 截至到12月6日,Youtube 点击量已达到了惊人的8600万次了。

“Let it Go” was written by Frozen songwriting team Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez and is nominated for Original Song. The three other nominated songs are “Happy” fromDespicable Me 2, “Ordinary Love” from Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom and “The Moon Song” from Her.

《Let It Go》是由《冰雪奇缘》歌曲创作团队 Kristen Anderson-Lopez 和 Robert Lopez 共同创作出来的,而这首歌也被提名本届奥斯卡的最佳原创歌曲。另外三首提名歌曲是《神偷奶爸2》插曲《Happy》,《曼德拉:漫漫自由路》主题歌《Ordinary Love》,还有《她》插曲《The Moon Song》。

“This is definitely a dream come true for me,” Menzel said in a recent interview about her nomination. “I’m happy for the movie, I’m happy to be a part of the whole thing, and to have a song that really resonates with people is just beyond.”

“对我而言这绝对是梦想成真,” 门泽尔在近期的一场采访她获得提名的访问时这样说道,“我衷心的为电影高兴,我很荣幸能成为这部电影的一部分,当然,能演唱这首获得观众共鸣的歌曲我也很开心。”

In the same interview she hinted at her interest in performing at the Oscars. “I’ve already got permission if they ask—cross your fingers!—that I can get out there and do my thing and just try to really have fun with the idea.”


At the Golden Globes in January, “Let It Go” lost to “Ordinary Love.”

但在一月份的金球奖角逐中,《Let It Go》输给了《Ordinary Love》。

Demi Lovato performed the song for the movie’s soundtrack, but it was Menzel’s rendition from the movie that (rightfully) collected all of the recognition.

其实收录于《冰雪奇缘》官方音乐带里是迪斯尼歌手黛米·洛瓦托版的《Let It Go》。但是门泽尔的演奏版本(电影中的原声)非常惊艳,获得了广泛好评。

The 2014 Oscars are hosted by Ellen DeGeneres and will be broadcast live Sunday, March 2 on ABC.
