英语听力汇总   |   《大梦想家》讲述迪士尼经典的幕后故事





Not Quite All Spoonfuls of Sugar


For nearly 50 years, moviegoers have embraced “Mary Poppins” as a whimsical Disney classic about a magical English nanny, a twinkly chimney sweep and a London banker’s fractured family. But the new Disney film “Saving Mr. Banks,” written by Kelly Marcel and Sue Smith, shares two less cheerful tales. In flashback, it reveals the “Mary Poppins” author P. L. Travers’s sad past as an Australian girl with a hard-drinking father and a suicidal mother. The other story is of two weeks in 1961 when Walt Disney (Tom Hanks), who had been trying to secure the film rights from Ms. Travers (Emma Thompson) for nearly 20 years, finally lured her to California, where Disney staff composers, the Sherman Brothers (Jason Schwartzman and B. J. Novak), struggled to collaborate with her.

近半个世纪以来,电影观众把《欢乐满人间》(Mary Poppins)看做一个奇思妙想的迪士尼经典影片,讲述一个有魔力的英国保姆、一个欢乐的扫烟囱人如何帮助一个伦敦银行家破碎的家庭。但是由凯利·马塞尔(Kelly Marcel)和苏·史密斯(Sue Smith)编写的迪士尼新片《大梦想家》(Saving Mr. Banks)讲述了两个不那么欢乐的故事。它回顾了原著作者P·L·特拉弗斯(P. L. Travers)悲惨的童年,她是个澳大利亚女孩,父亲酗酒,母亲有自杀倾向。另一个故事是沃尔特·迪士尼(Walt Disney,汤姆·汉克斯[Tom Hanks]饰)花了近20年时间向特拉弗斯(艾玛·汤普森[Emma Thompson]饰)争取电影改编权,在1961年最终诱惑她来到加利福尼亚州。迪士尼公司的作曲家谢尔曼兄弟(Sherman Brothers,詹森·舒瓦兹曼[Jason Schwartzman]和B·J·诺瓦克[B. J. Novak]饰)吃力地和她合作了两个星期。

Since “Saving Mr. Banks” opened last month, critics have praised Mr. Hanks’s performance as a grinning international impresario unaccustomed to being stonewalled, while Ms. Thompson, imbuing Travers with equal amounts exasperation, fierceness and vulnerability, has already been nominated for a Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild award, and seems to be on track for an Oscar nod, as well.


On a recent evening at the Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, Calif., Mr. Hanks and Ms. Thompson met with Margy Rochlin to talk about “Saving Mr. Banks” and their real-life counterparts. At one point this Oscar-winning pair even burst into a few bars of a Disney tune. These are excerpts from the conversation.

前不久的一个晚上,在加利福尼亚州伯班克的沃尔特·迪士尼制片厂,汉克斯和汤普森与玛吉·罗克林(Margy Rochlin)谈起了《大梦想家》和现实生活中的这些人物。这两位奥斯卡奖得主甚至还唱了几句迪士尼影片里的歌。下面是谈话节选。

Q. Among other things, “Saving Mr. Banks” shows the adaptation process. Emma, how much of your own experiences adapting “Sense and Sensibility” and “Nanny McPhee” for the screen offered insight into Travers and what she was going through?

问:《大梦想家》的其中一个方面是展示改编过程。艾玛,你把《理智与情感》(Sense and Sensibility)和《魔法保姆麦克菲》(Nanny McPhee)改编成电影的经验对你理解特拉弗斯和她的经历有多大帮助?

Emma Thompson The big difference is that I adapted a book as a screenplay. Screenplays are designed to be handed over to somebody else. She was writing something that came from some subatomic part of her that she wasn’t willing to let go [of] at all, because she relied on it emotionally.


Emma, you did quite a bit of research on Travers. Was she really that cold?


Thompson Last night, when we were doing a Q. and A., Kelly [Marcel] said [Travers’s] grandchildren had said she’d died not loving anyone and nobody loving her. At which point, Tom burst into song.


You sang? Tom, what did you sing?


Tom Hanks “Let’s Go Fly a Kite.” I needed to Disney-fy up the sad ending. [Laughs.]

汤姆·汉克斯:《让我们去放风筝》(Let’s Go Fly a Kite)。我需要把这个悲哀的结局弄得有点迪士尼风格[大笑]。

Travers insisted on taping her sessions with the Shermans, so there were hours of recordings available.


Hanks Thirty nine hours of recordings. That must have been magnificent.


Emma, what did you learn about her by listening to her voice?


Thompson They were the biggest tell, the tapes. You can hear the distress, the tension and the resistance, just the purposeful sabotage in her voice. It’s fascinating.


How much of that distress came from being alone in a foreign country and outnumbered by Disney staffers?


Thompson I think she sounded like that most of the time. We can’t forget that she made absolutely no effort whatsoever to go out with them, to socialize with them. She wouldn’t even eat with them in the commissary here when they were working together. She was horrible. You can’t sugarcoat it in any way.


Hanks She hated the script that she’d already read.


Meanwhile, Tom, you’re playing the fellow who created the company whose movie it is. Can you walk us through what sounds like a strange job offer?


Hanks It was incredibly straightforward. [Disney’s chief executive, Robert A. Iger, called and] said: “Look, we have a bit of a circumstance here. We have to make this movie about Walt Disney. We didn’t develop it. It came to us from somewhere else. It’s a great script, and if we don’t do it, that means somebody else might be able to do it, and we’re going to look heartless. But if we quash it, we’ll look like we’re trying to hide something. So will you play Walt Disney?”

汉克斯:他们不可思议地坦率。(迪士尼的首席执行官罗伯特·A·伊格[Robert A. Iger]打来电话)说:“是这样,我们这儿出了点状况。我们必须得拍这部关于沃尔特·迪士尼的电影。这不是我们开发的项目,是别人送来的。这个剧本很棒,如果我们不拍,那别人可能会拍,我们就会看起来很无情。但是如果我们阻止的话,就会显得我们在竭力掩藏什么。所以你愿意扮演沃尔特·迪士尼吗?”

What happened after you said yes?


Hanks I was immediately dry-mouthed by the prospect. It’s just the hardest work that is to be done. There’s a billion hours of video, of Walt performing as Walt Disney, being a great guy. But I found enough actual footage of him in interviews when he’d really like to be done with the subject. When he doesn’t want to talk about “Fantasia” again, because what he’s really here to do is show you the new animatronic birds that are going to be going into the Enchanted Tiki Room. When I could find him showing any legitimate kind of consternation, that was worth its weight in gold.

汉克斯:我很快为将要发生的事情而兴奋。这差不多是我遇到的最棘手的角色。沃尔特拍过无数视频,在其中他力图扮演“沃尔特·迪斯尼”的角色,使自己看上去像个伟人。但是我找到了足够多他在采访中流露真实自我的视频——他真的不想再谈论某个主题时的视频。比如当他不想再谈论《梦想曲》(Fantasia)时的视频——因为他当时想展示的是新的电子鸟,它们将被放入迪士尼魔幻音乐屋(Enchanted Tiki Room);还有他表现出某种正常的惊慌失措时的视频——那对我来说简直是如获至宝。

Was the Disney family of assistance?


Hanks The Disney family connection with Disney studios did not end well. When Roy Disney [Walt’s nephew] was still here, he was sort of creatively shunted aside but kept aboard for almost ceremonial reasons. Then eventually they left. Not unlike the filmmakers who sent the script to the Walt Disney Company wondering if they were going to get a cease-and-desist order, we went to see Diane Disney [Walt’s daughter] wondering if she was going to say, “I don’t like this idea at all.” But she wasn’t like that. Everybody got what it was about.

汉克斯:迪士尼家族与迪士尼电影公司的关系有个不太好的结局。罗伊·迪士尼(Roy Disney,沃尔特的侄子)还在的时候,差不多被巧妙地边缘化了,几乎只是由于礼仪方面的原因才留在公司。最终他们都离开了。就像电影制作人们把剧本送到沃尔特·迪士尼公司,担心他们是否会得到勒令停止函一样,我们去见黛安·迪士尼(Diane Disney,沃尔特的女儿)的时候,也担心她会说,“我一点都不喜欢这个提议。”但是她没有那样说。每个人都知道形势是什么样的。

Emma, how did you come up with her hair? Even in silhouette, your perm has an aura of emotional repression.


Thompson The hair is what she had. She had curly hair, which she cut into a bubble bob, which she wore for most of her life. It kind of suited her. But there was a severity, too. It did so much work for me. There’s something tightly coiled about her and tightly coiled about her hair. It was fantastically useful to me, because I’m a straight-haired person, so it makes me look very different.


Were you always mindful that P. L. Travers was on the ropes financially when she finally relinquished the rights to “Mary Poppins”?


Thompson I think that’s a vital part of the story. She was alone.


Hanks Know what? No one knows what they said to each other when push came to shove, but I’m almost willing to bet that it was all about money. “Hey, look, doll. You’re going to be an old bat and die here all by yourself. Don’t you want to have a bunch of money in your pocket? Well then, let me make the movie.” I’ll bet you anything that’s what went down.


Thompson And it’s not just a financial question. It comes from the age-old difficulty of women being written about by Austen onward. What do you do? How do you make a living, if you’re not going to be married to someone who’s going to pay your bills?


“Saving Mr. Banks” is also a movie about the limits of charm in business dealings. Walt Disney had it. P. L. Travers was put off by it.


Hanks I can’t smile like he could. My smile looks kind of demonic. But his was kind of “Isn’t it wonderful to be alive?” And he’d done that everywhere — from the U.N. to every room he walked into.


Thompson You’re talking about two different ends of a spectrum that is actually quite wide and varied. You’re talking about someone who had the power to charm the birds from the trees and someone who refused on every level to use it. She could charm. I know she could. I read about it, and her friends told me. She just never ever did.


Emma, Travers was extremely private. You, on the other hand, seem open to sharing your life’s every detail.


Thompson We’re very different people. I feel a kinship with all human beings. She was so protected and defended.


So how did you find a way into her?


Thompson She was a tough nut to crack. When I’m creating a character, I sort of do a brass rubbing, sort of put some tracing paper over the character and rub it and then think, “Which bits?” Of course, the father-daughter thing, the loss of the father’s storytelling abilities and the loss of his control, the loss of his power is very much a connective bit for me. My father had a stroke when he was 48. I say this as I am literally rubbing my neck because it was so distressing. He couldn’t speak, and I was the only person he allowed to teach him to talk again. So I was with my father when I was 18, 19 with little cards which said, “I am” and “you are.” I thought, “I’m being given this sacred task,” but it tore me apart.


When my father came to Cambridge, when I was graduating, he’d had his stroke, and he couldn’t speak properly. He slurred his words, and he didn’t want anyone to know that it was because he had a stroke, so the teachers thought he was drunk. So there were those connections. But I think most artists are fundamentally inconsolable. That’s why they keep doing it.


Travers was certainly so. According to [the songwriter] Richard Sherman, she went up to Disney after seeing “Mary Poppins” at the premiere and told him she had ideas to improve the film.

特拉弗斯显然是这样的。据(作曲家)理查德·谢尔曼(Richard Sherman)说,她在首映式上看完《欢乐满人间》之后,找到迪士尼,跟他说她有些提议,可以改进这部电影。

Thompson Yes, and he said, “Pam, the ship has sailed.”


And then?


Hanks And then he walked away from her. He was done.
