英语听力汇总   |   《实习医生格蕾》第十季9月26日首播





The September 26th opener will be called "Seal Our Fate." Gulp.

《实习医生格蕾》第十季将会在9月26日首播,而且这一集的名字叫做《Seal Our Fate》。准备大饱眼福吧。

As previously reported, the two-hour opener will center on the new interns at the hospital, as well as the aftermath of Meredith's difficult birth.


We also know that Veronica Cartwright will guest star on the premiere, as will Bobby Campo and Heather Hemmens. The former's role is unknown, while the latter pair willportray an engaged couple who viewers meet at the scene of an accident.

我们知道Veronica Cartwright、Bobby Campo和Heather Hemmens都会客串《实习医生格蕾》第十季第一集。我们还不知道Veronica将会出演的角色,但是我们知道Bobby Campo和Heather Hemmens将会扮演一对在一次事故现场相遇的订婚夫妇。