英语听力汇总   |   《吸血鬼日记》历史哥自曝喜欢妮娜





Last weekend, several Vampire Diaries cast members headed to Birmingham,
England for the Insurgence 5 convention. Ian Somerhalder, Candice Accola , Kat Graham, Michael Trevino, Matt Davis, Nathaniel Buzolic and others were on hand to answer fans questions. Some of the answers were very revealing — especially when one cast member admitted to having a crush on Nina Dobrev (Elena Gilbert) and said he wished their characters could’ve hooked up! Who was it? 上周《吸血鬼日记》的演员们都参加了英国伯明翰的Insugence 5粉丝会。Ian Somerhalder、Candice Accola、Kat Graham、Michael Trevino、Matt Davis、Nathaniel Buzolic等剧组演员悉数到场回答粉丝们的问题。其中有些回答可以算作是深情表白了——特别是其中一位演员承认自己仍然喜欢Nina Dobrev(Elena的扮演者),并表示他希望他的角色能和Elena有感情戏!这个人是谁呢?

Matt Davis Has a Crush on Nina Dobrev喜欢Nina Dobrev的人是Matt Davis(Alaric扮演者)

Oh, là là. There’s something about Nina Dobrev that older men just love! Her ex Ian Somerhalder is 10 years older than her, and it appears Matt Davis (Alaric Saltzman), who’s 35, also has a thing for the 24-year-old Bulgarian beauty。矮油!看起来Nina Dobrev很符合老男人们的胃口!她的前任男友Ian Somerhalder比她大10岁!而35岁的Matt Davis也对这位24岁保加利亚美女有好感!

According to tons of tweets from Insurgence 5, Matt admitted, “I've always had a secret little crush on Nina and I always tease her about Elena and Alaric hooking up。”根据当天粉丝会上粉丝们发布的多条微博可以看出,Matt 承认:“我对Nina一直都有感觉,我经常会拿Elena和Alaric之间的关系跟她开玩笑。”