Dior have stuck to a winning formula with their new advertising campaign by getting stunning actress Natalie Portman to pose naked.The Oscar-winner de-robed for the photo shoot with photographer Mario Sorrenti to promote the brand's new Diorskin Nude range.In one picture, she is draped topless over a chaise lounge pulling her hair off her face. In another close-up shot, she faces the camera with her arms and hair covering her chest to protect her modesty.
Dior promise their foundation, which will be on sale nationwide from 14 September, will give wearers a natural, radiant glow.As well as the foundations, priced at £31, lip and nail shades in a nude palette are also available. Natalie wears one of the Rouge Dior Nude shades in the adverts.Dior said the lipsticks, which cost £25, are innovative because they don't colour lips but 'blush' them for a more natural look.
This isn't the first time Natalie has posed topless in her role as the face of Dior beauty. Last year wore just a black headband to promote the brand's fragrance Miss Dior Cherie.After seeing these latest pictures, millions of her fans will be disappointed to hear that she is now officially off the market.The Black Swan actress married Benjamin Millepied, the father of her son Aleph, in an intimate ceremony in Big Sur, California on Saturday.
继去年的香氛广告之后,娜塔莉-波特曼再次全裸代言迪奥美容产品。这一组迪奥光柔矿物水底妆系列广告片由意大利摄影师马里奥-索兰提(Mario Sorrenti)掌镜。一直以来,作为迪奥美容产品代言人的娜塔莉对该品牌时装也情有独钟,
Natalie, who was born in Jerusalem, had a traditional Jewish ceremony. The couple met in 2010 on the set of Black Swan.Natalie has always been a proud ambassador of the French fashion house wearing a vintage Dior dress to this year's Oscar ceremony.However, she was keen to distance herself from their once creative director John Galliano when a video leaked of him making anti-Semitic comments.In a statement released at the time she said: 'I am deeply shocked and disgusted by the video of John Galliano's comments. 'In light of this video, and as an individual who is proud to be Jewish, I will not be associated with Mr Galliano in any way.'I hope at the very least, these terrible comments remind us to reflect and act upon combating these still-existing prejudices that are the opposite of all that is beautiful.'
尽管如此,她也直言不讳地表达了对迪奥的前创意总监约翰-加利亚诺(John Galliano)的厌恶。 加利亚诺曾于酒后发表侮辱犹太人的过激言论,娜塔莉表示:“对于他的言论我既深深震惊又感到非常厌恶。” “我以身为犹太人而自豪,因此我不想在工作上跟加利亚诺先生有任何关联。” “我希望,至少这些恶毒的言论能提醒我们自省并身体力行地去反抗这些至今仍存在的种族歧视。”