Inception 盗梦空间
Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his partner Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) perform illegal corporate espionage by entering the subconscious minds of their targets, using two-level "dream within a dream" strategies to extract valuable information. Dreamers are awakened either by a sudden shock (a "kick"), or by dying in the dream. Each of the extractors carries a totem, a personalized small object whose behavior is unpredictable to anyone except its owner, to determine whether they are in another person's dream。
Cobb's totem is a spinning top which perpetually spins in the dream state. Cobb struggles with memories of his dead wife, Mal (Marion Cotillard), who manifests within his dreams and tries to sabotage his efforts.
道姆·柯布(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)与同事阿瑟(约瑟夫·戈登-莱维特 Joseph Gordon-Levitt 饰)和纳什(卢卡斯·哈斯 Lukas Haas 饰)在一次针对日本能源大亨齐藤(渡边谦 饰)的盗梦行动中失败,反被齐藤利用。齐藤威逼利诱因遭通缉而流亡海外的柯布帮他拆分他竞争对手的公司,采取极端措施在其唯一继承人罗伯特·费希尔(希里安·墨菲 Cillian Murphy 饰)的深层潜意识中种下放弃家族公司、自立门户的想法。
为了重返美国,柯布偷偷求助于岳父迈尔斯(迈克尔·凯恩 Michael Caine 饰),吸收了年轻的梦境设计师艾里阿德妮(艾伦·佩吉 Ellen Page 饰)、梦境演员艾姆斯(汤姆·哈迪 Tom Hardy 饰)和药剂师约瑟夫(迪利普·劳 Dileep Rao 饰)加入行动。在一层层递进的梦境中,柯布不仅要对付费希尔潜意识的本能反抗,还必须直面已逝妻子梅尔(玛丽昂·歌迪亚 Marion Cotillard 饰)的处处破坏,实际情况远比预想危险得多……
Shutter Island 禁闭岛
Note the plot hangs around the factual history of 1950s psychiatry and psychosurgery in some US hospitals – notably Dr. Walter Freeman's practice of carrying out trans-orbital lobotomies, using an ice-pick through the patient's eyesocket above the eyeball。
In 1954, widower U.S. Marshal Edward "Teddy" Daniels and his new partner Chuck Aule go to Shutter Island on a ferry boat to the home of Ashecliffe Hospital for the criminally insane, to investigate the disappearance of a patient, Rachel Solando, who has escaped the hospital and apparently the desolate island, despite having been kept in a locked cell under constant supervision。
Visiting Rachel's room, Teddy and Chuck discover a code that Teddy believes points to a 67th patient, when there are allegedly only 66. Teddy also reveals to Chuck that he is there to avenge the death of his wife Dolores, who was murdered two years prior by one of the inmates, Andrew Laeddis.。。
本片根据美国小说家丹尼斯·勒翰(Dennis Lehane)的同名小说改编。 1954年,联邦警官泰迪(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)和搭档查克(马克·鲁弗洛 Mark Ruffalo 饰)乘船来到波士顿附近的禁闭岛精神病犯监狱调查一桩离奇失踪案。手刃亲生骨肉的女犯蕾切尔(艾米莉·莫迪默 Emily Mortimer 饰)从戒备森严的牢室神秘逃脱,藏匿于孤岛深处。
泰迪怀疑监狱的主治精神病医师约翰·考利(本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley 饰)有意隐瞒内情,并向查克透露他上岛的真实目的其实是寻找当年纵火烧死他妻子德洛丽丝(米歇尔·威廉姆斯 Michelle Williams 饰)的管理员,并揭露美国政府利用精神病犯人进行人体科学实验的罪行。但随着调查的逐渐深入,真相却变得越来越扑朔迷离……
Triangle 恐怖游轮
Jess is a single mother to Tommy, who is autistic. Encouraged by her friend, Greg, to take some time for herself, she joins him and his friends for a day of sailing. Soon, they get caught in a freak electrical storm which capsizes their boat, forcing them to seek refuge in a passing ocean liner. Once on board, they realize that the ship is empty. Jess, however, feels that she has been there before。
As the group explores the ship further, strange things begin to happen. Jess finds her keys tossed on the floor, food appears to have been prepared for the group, and footsteps are heard in the halls. A masked figure stalks the group while Jess attempts to piece together the unfolding mystery as well as survive.
海瑟(艾玛·朗 Emma Lung 饰)、萨莉(Rachael Carpani 饰)、唐尼(汉瑞·尼克 Henry Nixon 饰)、格雷格(麦克·道曼 Michael Dorman 饰)、维克托和杰西,三对男女相约驾驶游艇“三角洲号”出海游玩,不久,他们便在海上遭遇一场强烈的风暴。游艇翻船,众人落海,几经挣扎他们好不容易爬到游艇残骸上来。正当他们无计可施之时,一艘巨大的游轮向众人缓缓驶来。这群男女欣喜过望,未加思索便登上这艘名为“艾俄洛斯”的游轮,结果发现这竟是一艘1930年便告失踪的神秘之船,而船上更是空无一人。随处可见的鲜血、神秘的指示以及突如其来的凶杀事件,将这群男女带入万劫不复的恐怖轮回之中……
Donnie Darko 死亡幻觉
In October 1988, teenager Donnie Darko (Jake Gyllenhaal) has been seeing a psychiatrist because of his troubled history. Donnie sleepwalks, and has visions of Frank (James Duval), a menacing, demonic-looking rabbit with an eerie, hypnotic voice。
On October 2, Frank draws Donnie out of his room to tell him, in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, and 12 seconds, the world will end. While Donnie is outside, a jet engine crashes through his bedroom. The next morning, Dr. Fisher (Arthur Taxier) and Forensic psychiatrist Dr. Jack Gramm (Al Pacino) testifies at the trial of suspected serial murderer
丹尼·达可(杰克·盖伦霍尔 饰)患有精神疾病,某天晚 上他受到莫名的召唤,梦游,也因此逃避了一架飞机坠落在他房间天花板上,这样匪夷所思的事故。自此以后,他的生活就发生了变化,频频出现幻觉,他时常看见一个兔人弗兰克,后者告诉他世界将在28天6小时48分12秒以后毁灭;他得到了一本书,《时空旅行奥义书》,对书中提到的时空旅行、离线宇宙产生了强烈的好奇。随着世界末日的临近,杰克的生活越来约诡异,他新认识的女朋友和家人也被卷了进去。看来,杰克想实现拯救世界的愿望,需要付出更多的代价。
88 Minutes 88分钟
Forensic psychiatrist Dr. Jack Gramm (Al Pacino) testifies at the trial of suspected serial murderer
Jon Forster (Neal McDonough), dubbed "The Seattle Slayer" by police. Gramm's testimony and expert psychiatric opinion is crucial to help convict Forster of the murder of Joanie Coates, who was drugged with halothane, hung upside down with latches, and raped and tortured after the killer broke into her home. After receiving his conviction by the jury, Forster taunts Gramm, saying "Tick- tock, Doc."
Nine years later, as Forster's execution date approaches, several similar torture murders with very similar modi operandi occur. Gramm is questioned by a lawyer from the Attorney General's office as well as FBI Special Agent Frank Parks (William Forsythe) about his connection to the latest victim, Dale Morris, a former psychology student of Gramm's whom he was at a party with the night before, just hours before her death.。。
一夜的纸醉金迷后美国联邦调查局的法庭精神分析师Jack Gramm博士(Al Pacino饰)被一宗谋杀案的电话带离了美人香,这宗谋杀案和9年前的西雅图杀手案极其相似。Jack当时的精神分析是判定嫌疑犯Foster有罪的关键依据。现在联邦调查局认为Foster是无辜的,而被害者在临死前的录象带也亲口证实Jack抓错了人。真正的罪犯也许正在逍遥法外。当Jack正处于迷惑之时,他又收到了莫名的死亡威胁,得知自己只能再活88分钟。面对种种突如其来的迷团以及死亡的威胁,Jack该如何应对……
Paycheck 记忆裂痕
In the near future, Michael Jennings is a reverse engineer; he analyzes his clients' competitors' technology and recreates it, often adding improvements beyond the original specifications. To protect his clients' intellectual property and himself, Jennings undertakes a memory wipe to remove knowledge of his engineering with the aid of his friend Shorty。
Jennings is approached by his old college roommate, James Rethrick, the CEO of the successful technology company Allcom. Rethrick proposes a lengthy three-year reverse engineering job to Jennings, requiring him to live on Allcom's secured campus until its conclusion but rewarding him handsomely with company stock. Jennings agrees, and after arranging for his long-term absence, arrives at Allcom, turns in his personal possessions, and is given a brief tour of the facility where he meets and flirts with botanist Dr. Rachel Porter. He is injected with a long-term memory marker for the post-job memory wipe.。。
The Skeleton Key 万能钥匙
Caroline Ellis (Kate Hudson) is a New Orleans hospital aide who takes a position as a private Hospice caregiver at an isolated plantation house deep in the bayous of southern Louisiana. The lady of the house, Violet Deveraux (Gena Rowlands) looks after her husband Benjamin Devereaux (John Hurt), a stroke victim who is expected to die soon. At first Caroline is dubious about taking the job as Violet is very hostile and distrustful towards her, but after some prompting from the family's estate lawyer, Luke Marshall (Peter Sarsgaard), she accepts the position.。。
年轻的姑娘卡罗琳(凯特·哈德森 Kate Hudson 饰)受雇于老妇人维奥莱特 (吉娜·罗兰兹 Gena Rowlands 饰),前往她家照顾她卧病在床的丈夫本(约翰 ·赫特 John Hurt 饰)。维奥莱特的大房子坐落于以神秘习俗和宗教仪式闻名的地区,卡罗刚到这里就觉得阴森诡异。随着日子一天天过去,卡罗琳渐渐对这件大房子和古怪的维奥 莱特起疑。
21 决胜21点
MIT senior math major Ben Campbell (Jim Sturgess) is accepted into Harvard Medical School but cannot afford the $300,000 cost. Despite a 44 MCAT score and top grades, Ben faces a fierce competition for the prestigious Robinson Scholarship that would pay entirely for the medical school. The director tells him that the scholarship would go to the student who would dazzle him。
At the Massachusetts Institue of Technology (MIT), professor Micky Rosa (Kevin Spacey) challenges Campbell with the Monty Hall problem, which he solves successfully. After looking at Campbell's score on the math test, on which Ben got 97%, Rosa invites Campbell to join his blackjack team, which consists of fellow students Choi, Fisher, Jill, and Kianna. Despite being told by Rosa that he had already gotten into the Harvard Medical School, Ben refuses to join the team on the premise he had been promoted at his job. Next day, Jill visits Ben at his job and attempts to coax him, hence Ben joins the team that evening.。。
Ben Campbell(吉姆·斯特加斯 Jim Sturgess饰)有着惊人的才华,身为麻省理工高材生的他学业无懈可击,他亦毫无意外地赢得了哈佛医学院的录取通知书。然而30万的高昂学费和生活费令他的大学梦摇摇欲坠。在争取奖学金的面试中,教授对他说胜出者必须要有过人的经历而不是像本这种一张白纸的学生。
Ben在一服装店打工,挣取每小时8美元的薪酬。同时和两个好友准备竞赛2.09以期获得认同和奖金。数学课上本的天才头脑被教授Mickey Rosa(凯文·史派西 Kevin Spacey 饰)发现,Mickey 希望本加入自己的21算法团队,专门去赌场依靠算牌赢得大钱。Ben并不同意,但Ben一直暗恋的女孩Jill Taylor(凯特·波茨沃斯 Kate Bosworth 饰)也出面诱惑时,Ben开始动摇。Ben开始了严密的训练,出师的成功让Ben尝到了金钱、虚荣、欲望的权力。同时他和旧友开始疏远,渐渐迷失在赌场的漩涡里。
Stay 生死停留
The film opens with a car crash on Brooklyn Bridge, and introduces Henry Letham (Ryan Gosling), a survivor of the crash, sitting next to a burning car on the bridge。
Psychiatrist Sam Foster (Ewan McGregor) and his girlfriend an art teacher Lila (Naomi Watts) are then introduced in a new scene. Sam discusses his patient, Henry, a college student and aspiring artist whom he describes as depressed and paranoid. Sometimes Henry hears voices, and he seems able to predict future events. Henry is also suspicious of Sam because he has suddenly replaced his ordinary psychiatrist, Beth Levy (Janeane Garofalo). Henry has told Sam that he, Henry, will kill himself that Saturday at midnight, which Sam finds very troubling. Lila, who has survived a past suicide attempt, offers to help to dissuade Henry from killing himself.。。
The Butterfly Effect 蝴蝶效应
The movie starts with a medical patient, Evan Treborn (Ashton Kutcher), breaking into a doctor's office at night. The noise has alerted some guards, and he can hear them looking for him. He blocks the door with a couch, hurriedly grabs a pencil and paper and starts writing "If someone reads this, it means that I was unsuccessful and am already dead...". The guards are now outside the office, their flashlights shining in as the scene fades out。
The movie then flashes back to 13 years earlier. We meet the young 8 year old Evan, who is being raised alone by his mother, a nurse. When he is dropped off at school, Evan's teacher insists on speaking with his mother on an urgent matter. Apparently, as part of a drawing assignment, Evan drew a very disturbing picture of himself holding a knife over a couple of dead bodies.。。
伊万(艾什顿·库奇 Ashton Kutcher 饰)曾经有一个糟糕的童年,因为他行为闯下了大祸,令他童年充满不堪回忆的往事。而事实上,他确实只是依稀记得一点可怕的情景,这些情景一直纠缠着他的正常生活。伊万接受心理学家建议,把琐碎生活记在记事本里,却偶然发现通过记事本回到过去。