导读:5年前,一部叫歌舞青春(High School Musical)的迪士尼影片席卷了全球。简单励志的故事,朗朗上口的歌曲,让主演们一炮而红。5年内,一共出了三部歌舞青春。昔日青涩的演员们也变得越来越成熟。现在,就让我们来细数一下歌舞青春主演五年大变样。
The now hunky Zac Efron, 23, with his Hollywood hair, light scruff, and dark duds, was there to support his friend on his big night.
The "17 Again" star has definitely grown up -- and hit the gym -- since he first arrived on the Disney scene at age 18.
These days, Zac's ex, Vanessa Hudgens, is an in-demand young actress with both "Beastly" and "Sucker Punch" currently in theaters. The 22-year-old sported an extremely messy 'do, a leopard top by Blu Moon, and a BB Dharma necklace for her pal's party.
But way back when, Van was just a little-known cutie pie in pink.
Former "High School Musical" star Ashley Tisdale, 25, toasted the release of her latest project, the straight-to-DVD "Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure" with a few familiar faces at Soho House in West Hollywood, California, Wednesday. The belle of the ball wore a Farah Angsana frock and Ben-Amun earrings.
We couldn't help but take a look back at how sweet The Tis looked years ago when her now famous character, Sharpay, plus Troy, Gabriella, and the rest of the "High School Musical" gang, became household names. Do you like the lighter locks?
Also on hand? Lucas Grabeel, 26, who played Sharpay's fraternal twin brother Ryan in the mega-hit movies. The actor appeared wearing a casual gray ensemble.
A few years ago, though, he wasn't so put together. The younger Lucas, then 22, donned baggy jeans and colored sneakers that somehow weren't quite as chic.
[page]5[/page] Monique Coleman, 30, was always the oldest actress in the "HSM" bunch -- she was playing a teen at age 25! -- but she's all about grown-up glam now in her sleek suit and peep-toe pumps. Flashback a few years and her look was decidedly younger, thanks to Monique's long, straight locks and an ensemble more appropriate for a girl -- not a woman.