Alive的意思是“活的”,kicking则是“踢”,alive and kicking的意思是“十分健康,生机勃勃”。
我的猫就是这样,其实它的猫龄也不小了,很多猫到这个年纪都变成了天天睡觉的老猫,但幸运的是,my cat is alive and kicking, 我的猫还是那么健康活泼!
例句-1:Born in 1922, Betty White starred in her own TV situation comedy in the 1950s. She became well-known on game shows, and won several awards for other funny TV roles in the 70s and 80s. Betty White hasn't retired. She's alive and kicking. As an actress, writer, and animal-rights activist, she remains very active and more popular than ever.
例句-2:Ford Motor Company came close to bankruptcy only a few years ago. The good news is that the American automaker just reported a profit and expects increased sales in the months ahead. The critics who believed it was finished have been proven wrong. While there are clearly more challenges ahead for Ford, it's alive and kicking.
希望福特公司形势的好转能给低迷的美国经济带来一些活力,让整个市场alive and kicking, 红火起来。