我这种状况可以用一个习惯用语来形容:zone out. Zone out就是头脑空白,注意力不集中。我本来还在认真听好朋友说婚礼计划,可后来,估计因为她实在滔滔不绝,我听晕了,开始魂游天外。估计她发现我眼神放空,所以才丢了个问题给我。我当时觉得很不好意思。
例句-1:When our flight arrived in Beijing, it was noon time. That's a 13 hour difference from the time in New York. So we went sightseeing, and then stopped to try some dumplings. Now it's three o'clock. I'm so exhausted, I can't stay focused anymore. I'm zoning out.
这种感觉就是时差造成的,英文叫"jet lag"。一般来讲,人们需要一个星期的时间才能把时差倒过来。所以,到了目的地之后,先不要着急玩, 最好让自己休息一下。
例句-2:The accident happened so fast. As the victim of the crash was lying lifeless on the road, the old woman who was driving just sat motionless. I went over to ask her if she was OK. But she continued to stare into space like she wasn't aware of anything. She was zoned out. I think the trauma must have been too great for her.
平白无故撞倒一个人,无论谁都得需要点时间才能回过神来。在巨大的打击和出乎意料的惊喜面前,我们的大脑往往要先Zone out - 空白一下。