With one hand tied behind one's back, 意思是把一只手绑在背后,其实是指做某事非常熟练,轻而易举。类似我们中文里说的“我闭着眼睛都能做!”
准备十多个客人的晚饭,对我妈妈来说就是这么轻而易举的事, she can do it with one hand tied behind her back. 她闭着眼睛都能做! 生活中有各式各样的达人,拥有让我们羡慕的手艺,比如下面这段话中的电脑高手:
例句-1:When my computer crashed again, I was almost resigned to buying a new one. Luckily, my friend Scotty came over. Within an hour, he got my PC running again, removed a virus and installed a new hard drive. It wasn't hard for him at all. In fact, he says he can fix a computer with one hand tied behind his back.
我们可以把这样的电脑人才通称为computer geek. Geek指特别喜欢钻研某种技术或技巧的人。比如,我有个朋友特别喜欢数学,他就是math geek, 数学高手。那些让我看了如坠云雾的数学题,he can solve them with one hand tied behind his back. 他轻而易举地就能做出来。
例句-2:Some of my classmates agonize over their writing assignments for class. I don't understand what's so difficult. Simply gather good information, make an outline, create a first draft, then edit any mistakes. I can come up with a twenty-page research paper with one hand tied behind my back!
我们刚才提到,中文里说“闭着眼睛就能做某事”,以形容对某事的熟练,英文里则说, with one's eyes closed。怎么样,和中文的说法一模一样! 比如,a computer geek can fix a computer with his eyes closed. 电脑达人闭着眼就能把电脑修好。