英语听力汇总   |   美国习惯用语:903 turn up the heat 加大压力,更加努力






我们小区的人一直要求镇政府在这里安一个摄像头,抓住那些违规的司机,让他们吃罚单,可一直没有回音。这个周末要开居民大会,正好,我们决定直接去会上请愿!我们这么做,是为了:turn up the heat. Turn up the heat, 意思是“加大压力,更加努力,以达到某个结果”。

邻居们决定,不再消极等待镇政府的回应,而是要当面提出我们的要求,直接讨个说法! We're going to turn up the heat! 我们要把要求提得更响亮! 在下面这段话中,一位检察官要想打赢官司,也得更强势一些。咱们来听一听:

例句-1:The defendant in the murder trial hasn't had to answer many tough questions so far. It's time for the prosecutor to turn up the heat. If she can get more aggressive with the accused, she could get him to admit that he's guilty. Then the jury will be persuaded to convict him.


如果表示“加大对某人的压力”,要在turn up the heat, 的后面加上"on"这个介词。比如,my neighborhood is planning to turn up the heat on our town government. 我们小区准备加大对镇政府的压力。

又比如,老板跟销售员们说,如果你们不拉来更多的客户,就等着被解雇吧! 这个时候,你就可以说,the boss really turned up the heat on the salesmen! 老板可真是给销售员们加了压!



例句-2:We were bowling really well for the first half of the game. But our opponents have been turning up the heat on us. They've been scoring one strike after another. We can't believe how competitive they've become. Maybe it's because they know they have to beat us in order to advance to the finals.

这段话的意思是:本来,我们在上半场保龄球比赛中打得挺不错的,可后来,对手让我们感觉压力越来越大。他们一个接一个地打出全中的成绩,我们简直不能相信他们变得这么难对付! 也许这是因为他们知道,只有打败我们,才能进入决赛。

原来是背水一战,怪不得那么卖力! 我也喜欢打保龄球,不过是为了好玩,放松,如果, someone turns up the heat on me in bowling, 别人在打保龄球时非要和我一争高下的话,那就把本来轻松的事弄得紧张兮兮,不好玩了。