在这里,seal,是确定,决定的意思。fate, 大家都知道,是命运。 To seal one's fate意思就是决定命运,往往指不好的命运,就象刚才说到的,如果我侄女的物理成绩不能提高的话,it will seal her fate, 她就别想去参加什么圣诞舞会了,那她一定失望死了。
例句-1:My son graduated number one in his class, got near perfect scores on the national aptitude tests and had an impressive background. We were so hopeful when he sent in his college application. But the rejection letter he received sealed his fate. He wouldn't be getting into Harvard after all.
例句-2:We've been bowling strong all season. Yet everything depends on tonight's play off. We'll be up against our toughest challenger. If they beat us, they'll seal our fate. Since only the winning team will advance to the finals, we've got to play our best!
我最喜欢的经典电影之一是《雨中曲》, Singing in the Rain,片子结尾的时候,观众才发现,原来他们最崇拜的女明星说话的声音居然如此难听, that sealed her fate.
Seal one's fate, 这个习惯用语历史久远,出现于十七世纪中期。我最近收到一封新听众的来信,他说自己以前错过了很多集习惯用语,担心会影响到英语水平的提高。我们应该告诉他,missing a lot of our previous shows won't seal his fate. 我们的文字和声音文档在网上都是可以找到的。