形容词rough是粗糙的意思,ready的意思是准备好。Rough and ready连在一起,意思就是虽然有些粗糙简陋,但是可以用。我上面说的展示报告就是rough and ready, 虽然因为时间紧,报告做得不够精细,但是已经达到了目的。
例句-1:Scores on standardized tests don't completely show a student's potential. They're only a rough and ready guide. That's why colleges look at a wide variety of data, including grades, a list of extracurricular activities, a personal essay, and recommendations from people who have assessed the candidate's talents and personal characteristics.
例句-2:I grew up in a small town in the country. So it was a big change when I moved to the city. Going to fancy parties and dealing with so many different kinds of people are new to me. But I guess I do O.K. in those situations. Still, there's no denying I'm a rough and ready kind of guy.
我觉得,性格粗犷有时候反而更具魅力。现在我们市正在举行地方选举,我支持的那个候选人就不是一个典型的政客,不会花言巧语笼络选民。He is rough and ready.