今天一大早,我就一直在努力回忆昨天那个专家推荐的机构的名称,You've been racking my brain ever since this morning, 可死活就是想不起来。我们一起听听下面这个人有什么高招。
例句-1:You probably have passwords for a wide variety of purposes, right? From a personal identification number to access your bank account to secret codes for your e-mail, web page, and other on-line affiliations, your list keeps growing. But why struggle to remember all of these? Write them down in one secure place and then you won't have to rack your brain anymore!
这倒是个好主意,我甚至听说,有专门的网站让用户存放密码。不过,要登陆这个网站,想必也一定需要密码。HA HA!
例句-2:When I went to pick up my girlfriend, there was a note on the door. She wrote that she didn't want to see me anymore. Huh?! How could our relationship be over? I've been racking my brain trying to recall everything I've done and said lately. Instead of making me struggle, couldn't she at least let me know how I upset her?
我对此人深表同情,不管发生了什么,跟别人分手也应该有个说法。Rack one's brain, 这个习惯用语可以追溯到十六世纪。Rack,是一种刑具,有点象五马分尸。