英语听力汇总   |   美国习惯用语:853 pour water on





有时候觉得,当父母真不容易。最近,我们同意女儿重新粉刷自己的房间,谁知她要刷黑色。明知她会不高兴,我们还是决定要打消她的这个念头。在英文里这叫:pour cold water on. Pour cold water on, 很容易理解,就是中文里面所说的泼冷水。

虽然我们同意让女儿自己选择房间的颜色,但是黑色已经超过了我们的容忍范围。You just have to pour cold water on that choice. 我女儿她虽然有些不高兴,但最后还是同意妥协。这才让我们长长地出了一口气。让我们一起听听下面这些人最近遇到了什么丧气的事情。

例句-1:A spokesperson for the company had announced that we'd all be getting raises at the end of the year. Unfortunately, she made the announcement before the board of directors reviewed our financial situation. Given our recent losses, they decided it was best to pour cold water on the increases for now. They didn't want to go ahead with a plan that made little sense.


如果公司亏损超过了预期,这种决定是可以理解的。我妹妹原来打算到哥斯达黎加去玩,谁知那里突发地震,她只好推迟行程。It poured cold water on her itinerary.



例句-2:My buddies and I organized a fun weekend in Las Vegas. But then my girlfriend poured cold water on the trip. She made it clear that she wasn't about to let me go to "Sin City." She was afraid that four guys together would get into too much trouble with all the casinos and bars there.


拉斯维加斯素有"sin city"罪恶之城的称号,不过,除了赌场和酒吧以外,那里也有很多超级享受的餐馆和演出。这倒让我想起,今年渡假可以到拉斯维加斯去,Don't有 think my husband would pour cold water on this one?Oh, he probably would.

这个习惯用语是从救火来的。这一点恐怕不难理解。如果大家在学习习惯用语的过程中遇到任何困难,尽管跟我们联系,我保证,We are not going to pour cold water on your enthusiasm for learning. 不会给大家的学习热情泼冷水。