英语听力汇总   |   美国习惯用语:850 out of line





这个周末我去参加一个派对,其中一个客人显然是喝多了,居然去骚扰另一位客人的太太。 那位太太一气之下甩了他一巴掌。我看是活该。

这个人的行为可以说是: out of line. Out of line这个习惯用语由三个很简单的英文词组成。Out, 外面;line, 线,界限;那么out of line很容易理解,就是超越了界限。

说一个人out of line,就是行为不检点。比如我上次碰到的那个醉酒的男子,骚扰别人的妻子。 这种行为就是: out of line, he shouldn't have been acting like that; he was out of line.


例句-1:Some parents don't know how to behave. At my son's football game, one player's dad ran onto the field and started screaming at the referee about a call he didn't agree with. He was so out of line. I don't blame the officials for banning him from the stands for the rest of the season. What he did was unacceptable.



小孩也应该有大人正确引导,才不会行为出轨。有一天我走在路上,一只篮球滚到我脚边。有个孩子命令我说"把篮球给我扔过来",我提醒他要加上一个"请"字,可是他既没有道歉,也没说"请",自己把篮球捡起来转身就跑了。 这种行为在我看来就是out of line。


很多学生大学毕业要申请工作,走入社会。申请工作要面试,考官可以问你哪些问题,哪些问题又会out of line呢?

例句-2:What can a potential employer ask you? It's fair enough for an interviewer to inquire about your job history and education. Yet questions about your age, religion and political views are way out of line. You never have to answer them. Not only are they inappropriate, but they are also illegal.

你未来的雇主可以问你哪些问题呢? 面试官有权询问有关你的工作经历和教育程度方面的问题。但是如果他问你的年龄、宗教信仰和政治立场,那就大大超越界限了。这种问题不仅不恰当,而且不合法。

注意刚才这个人不仅仅是说,他说,way out of line. 这里的way就是非常或者很严重的意思。

我们还可以在out of line前面用动词get; 和step; 表示超越了界限, get out of line; step out of line. 例如: If that unruly father steps out of line next season, he might never be allowed to watch another football game.