英语听力汇总   |   美国习惯用语:814 grind to a halt





华盛顿的天气最近特别热。只有这种时候,大家才能体会到空调的好处。如果没有空调,真不知道怎样才能工作。这倒让我想起了一个有趣的习惯用语。这就是我们今天要学的:grind to a halt。

Grind是动词,有嘎嘎作响的意思。Halt是名词,停顿的意思。Grind to a halt这个习惯用语就是慢慢停下来,无法继续前进。

大家现在明白了吧,我刚才说最近天气特别热,如果没有空调,Work would grind to a halt,工作就会陷入停顿。


例句-1:Before the new century began, there was a lot of discussion of Y2K. That's the name of the software problem that was feared when the clocks rolled over into the year 2000. But despite terrible predictions, the world didn't grind to a halt. Most computers continued to work just fine.



就在上周末,我去参加外甥的毕业典礼。他们这届学生特别多,所以决定在室外举行。出席毕业典礼的学生、家长和老师大约有1000人。可就在嘉宾讲话的时候,忽然阴云密布,瓢泼大雨劈头盖脸地下了起来。不用说,The program ground to a halt. 毕业典礼告一段落。

我们只好开车回家,但是因为路上能见度太差,The traffic started to grind to a halt. 路上的车流开始陷入停顿。



例句-2:Last season's strike by writers in Hollywood had a significant impact. Without scripts, production on most television series and movies grind to a halt. It took months of negotiations before a settlement was reached and filming started again.


值得一提的是,grind to a halt,这个习惯用语还有另外一种说法,是come to a grinding halt,意思完全一样。所以我们可以说,Work would have come to a grinding halt without air conditioning,假如没有空调,工作恐怕就得停下来了。The world didn't come to a grinding halt because of Y2K,世界没有因为 Y2K 而陷入停顿。

或是Hollywood productions came to a grinding halt,好莱坞剧目的制作陷入了停顿。

美国习惯用语真是太多了,所以大家不用担心,Our show won't grind to a halt.