英语听力汇总   |   美国习惯用语:804 to lay your cards on the table





  在上次节目中,我告诉过大家,我的一个朋友因为没有工卡,所以想找那种能支付现金的工作。我告诉他,这么做太悬了,如果被抓住,不仅他自己,而且雇用他的老板也要倒霉。所以他最好坦白地告诉别人,自己没有工作许可,英语里有个习惯用语,专门指开诚布公地说明事实,叫:to lay your cards on the table.

  Lay, 是动词,放的意思。To lay your cards on the table, 就是摊牌,和盘端出的意思。我们也可以用put代替lay, 说 To put your cards on the table. 在下面这个例子里,一个男人在向女朋友求婚前,主动交代了自己的经济状况,让我们听听他是怎么说的。

  例句-1:I don't want to keep any secrets from you. So, I'm going to lay my cards on the table and tell you that I'm no millionaire, and that if you marry me, you'll have to work for a while - at least until my business starts to grow.



  起码这个男人很老实,婚前就警告未婚妻婚后不会马上过上阔夫人的日子,恐怕还要辛苦一段时间。确实,很多专家都建议,婚前要把各自的财政状况告诉对方,to lay all your cards on the table,其中包括学生贷款、信用卡债务等等,还要看双方在理财方面是否看法一致,否则一个省吃俭用,一个大手大脚,肯定过不到一块儿去。


  大家肯定已经想到,to lay one's cards on the table, 这个习惯用语是从打牌来的。打牌的时候,牌是不给别人看得,所以说,to lay one's cards on the table or to put one's cards on the table就是指把原来保密的东西公开出来。


  例句-2:I think we should just lay your cards on the table and tell each other exactly what we're here for." "Okay then, our international business is failing and we need cash to keep it going.




  最近,我们附近一家公司的劳资双方围绕工资问题陷入了纠纷。Both sides need to put their cards on the table for any progress to be made. 要想在谈判上取得进展,纠纷双方必须坦诚相见。

  与此同时,我认识的一个朋友就在那家公司上班。他觉得形势不好,所以马上就找到了一份新工作。He laid his cards on the table and told his boss about the job offer. 他坦率地把准备换工作的消息告诉了自己的老板。