英语听力汇总   |   美国习惯用语:784 the coast is clear





我今天是特别忙,要为一个退休的同事开欢送会,但是事先又不能让她知道,要给她一个惊喜,所以欢送会的一切准备工作都要背着她。我们今天要学的习惯用语,the coast is clear, 就特别适合这个场合。

Coast是海岸的意思;clear有很多用法,在这里是没有任何障碍和危险的意思。The coast is clear, 作为习惯用语,就是没有人阻碍,危险已经过去,可以开始行动的意思。

这回你明白了吧。我因为想给同事一个惊喜,所以在布置欢送会的时候,就一定得保证the coast is clear. 下面这些人好像跟我一样,也要认准the coast is clear. 他们是出于什么动机呢?还是让我们来听听下面这名记者的报道吧。

例句-1:The thieves waited until 3 A.M. for the bank parking lot to be deserted. Once they thought the coast was clear, they backed a truck up to the ATM, ready to haul it away. But they didn't realize the police had been watching the crime unfold; within minutes they were arrested.




一种说法是,the coast is clear这个习惯用语最早是海盗和走私犯开始用的。他们要保证海岸上没有执法人员,才能开始行动。可以肯定的是,the coast is clear早在15世纪后期就很常用了,一直到今天。让我们看看下面这个中学生准备干些什么!

例句-2:Even though my parents grounded me, I have to see my girlfriend tonight. My plan is to sneak out of the house when mom and dad go next door to play cards. I'm not sure when the coast will be clear, but they should be leaving soon.


我想,很多人象他这么大的时候,可能都干过一些不计后果的事情。我哥小时候,就常跟一些大孩子在外面混。有一次去偷邻居家的鸡,他年纪最小,负责望风,to see if the coast is clear. 结果被人抓住,被我妈狠狠教训了一顿。