英语听力汇总   |   美国习惯用语:757 go over like a lead balloon





今天我们要讲的美国习惯用语是:go over like a lead balloon. Lead就是铅,balloon是气球,go over like a lead balloon是指某人的主张和建议不受欢迎。

我们来举个例子。几个朋友邀请某人和他太太去露营,可是他的妻子不愿意去。 为什么呢?我们来听听这丈夫是怎么说的。

例句-1:Our friends didn't know that my wife is not a nature lover until they invited us to go camping for the weekend. They realized their idea went go over like a lead balloon after she told them she had no intention of sleeping on the ground in a tent. Finally, we decided we'd go to a fancy resort instead.

这个丈夫说:几个朋友请我和我妻子周末一起去露营。他们可不知道我的妻子并不喜欢到野外去活动。 直到我妻子告诉他们她不想在帐篷里打地铺的时候,他们才意识到露营的想法不受欢迎。最后,我们决定不去露营而去一个豪华的渡假村。



美国一些著名球队都是以土著印第安人命名的,就象华盛顿的红人队,The Red Skins。 可是现在很少球队还这样做。 为什么呢?

例句-2:Once it was popular to name sports teams after Native Americans, like the Chiefs or the Redskins. But if you tried that these days, you'd find the suggestion would go over like a lead balloon. To many people, it's too insulting because it encourages negative stereotypes of Native Americans as violent.

这个人说:以前用美国印第安人的名称来命名球队是很时兴的,比如酋长队或是红人队。可是如果你现在还想这么作,你就会发现这种想法是不受欢迎的。 对许多人来说,这样做会加强人们对印第安人的固定看法,认为他们是倾向于使用暴力的,这是污辱。
