英语听力汇总   |   美国习惯用语:lesson 724 laugh all the way to the bank...





萧华,我刚才见到我一个几十年没见的高中同学。几十年不见,你还认得他吗?认还是认得的。这位同学当年是个书呆子,大家都笑他。可是前几年他发明了一个电脑软件,一下子就成了百万富翁。美国人有一个习惯用语是形容这种情况的:laugh all the way to the bank。Laugh是笑,bank是银行, to laugh all the way to the bank,按字面来解释就是一路笑着去银行。但是,这个习惯用语的真正含义是,一个人一开始被别人看不起,可是后来正是这个人发了财,飞黄腾达,十分得意。


例句 -1:My brothers laughed at me for investing in a movie called The Matrix. They said I would lose all my money while they got rich in real estate. Well, let me tell you, The Matrix turned out to be a huge success! Now I'm the one who's laughing all the way to the bank.

这个年轻人说:我几个哥哥都笑话我把钱投资在The Matrix这部电影上。他们说,我的钱会赔光的,而他们的房地产投资一定会发财。我告诉你,结果这部电影一举成功,现在发财得意的是我,而不是他们。



萧华,你知道to laugh all the way to the bank这个习惯用语的出处吗?Laugh all the way to the bank是20世纪六十年代开始流行的,所以是一个比较现代的说法。你知道吗,另外还有一个说法,那就是:cry all the way to the bank--哭着去银行。我知道。但是不管是cry,或是laugh,这两种说法的意思是一样的。

对,只是说cry all the way to the bank是具有讽刺性的,而laugh all the way to the bank是直接了当的,也是大家普遍使用的。


例句-2:I lost a lot of money due to their investment advice. The stocks they recommended were disastrous. But, what do they care? They still collect their fees. They're laughing all the way to the bank!



股票经纪人的收入是有保证的,因为他们是靠收费,投资者就不同了,全靠股市行情。说到靠不靠得上,美国人常用的一个习惯用语就是:to bank on something. Bank一般是指银行,但是这里说的bank是用作动词。To bank on something,意思是依赖,依靠或指望。一个妻子经常受丈夫虐待。这个妻子的弟弟非常不满。他抱怨说:

例句-3:I hate how he is treating my sister. He came home drunk again last night and started swearing at her. Then this morning he acted so sweet and apologetic, but you can bank on him doing the same thing all over again.



To bank on something这个习惯用语是19世纪后期开始出现的。 为什么用bank银行这个词呢?因为把钱存在银行里通常是比较可靠的。所以,如果我们说you can bank on it,那就是说,那是可靠的,有指望的。下面我们再来听一个例句。有个人对邮局的快递服务非常满意,他正在向他的朋友推荐。他说:

例句 -4:Don't worry about a thing. They'll get it to Beijing on time and in one piece. I've used them many times before and I've never had a problem. You can bank on them doing a good job.
