英语听力汇总   |   美国习惯用语lesson 443-behind the eight ball






    第一个习惯用语是: behind the eight ball。 Behind the eight ball,这个习惯用语来自台球。这是两个人击打在绿绒台面球桌上的彩色硬球的游戏。参加者用球竿击打白色母球,母球分别撞击十五个彩球,使它们掉进球桌的球囊内。

    彩色台球上有一到十五的编号。有一种玩法是必须按照编号顺序把球击入球囊,但是黑色的八号球,也就是eight ball例外。 Eight ball得最后被击入球囊。即使是打出的母球过早碰撞了eight ball,打球的人也得失分,甚至会输。

    要是在打球的时候你的母球不巧正滚到eight ball背后,也就是behind the eight ball,那你就凶多吉少了。

    大约在1920年左右behind the eight ball被人们广泛用来描述任何得胜希望渺茫的境况。我们来听个例子。他说到一个职业足球队的教练,因为他的球队前四个赛季以来一而再,再而三地输,而从今年起他的球队又已经一连串输了五场比赛。他的处境如何可想而知:

    例句-1:Coach Jones is behind the eight ball this season. He's got to win more than he loses or he'll get fired for sure, and the team has already lost the first five.


    这段话里的behind the eight ball意思是处境岌岌可危的。


    习惯用语behind the eight ball常常用来说紧迫的经济拮据局面,比方说在下面的例子里:

    例句-2:My friend Pete has been out of work six months and he's really behind the eight ball. He’s used up his savings and can't pay his rent or the payments he owes on his car.


    这里的behind the eight ball意思是手头拮据的。


    我们再学个意义相近的习惯用语: up the creek。 Creek是溪流,以前这个习惯用语是up the creek without a paddle。 Paddle是桨,可以想象如果有人乘小船逆流而上手头却没有桨,处境该有多难。使用这个习惯用语的人很快就省略了without a paddle,只是说up the creek来表达同样的意思。我们听个例子来体会它的含义吧。这是个小伙子在说他跟女朋友Mary的关系陷于僵局。

    例句-3:I'm sure up the creek with Mary. I took this new girl in the office out to dinner just to get acquainted. And Mary happened to see us. Now she won't even answer my calls.


    所以他说: I’m sure up the creek with Mary.

    意思是我和Mary真是处于僵局。Up the creek意思是处于僵局的,或者陷于困境的。



    例句-4:I sure had a good time last semester - I didn't have much time to study. But now I'm up the creek; I certainly don't have the tuition money and I hate to ask dad to pay it.

    他说:我上学期玩儿得可真痛快,简直没时间念书了。 但是现在我可进退两难了:我自己当然没钱交学费,而我实在不愿意向爸爸开口要。

    这里的up the creek用来描绘进退两难的困境。