英语听力汇总   |   美国习惯用语lesson 414-chomp at the bit





     我们今天要讲带有bit这个词的习惯用语。 Bit有好多不同的意思,但是在今天要讲的习惯用语里bit解释马嚼子,就是连着缰绳上套在马嘴巴上的金属部分。骑手一拉缰绳,马嚼子就被拉进马嘴巴里,骑手就这样来控制马匹的行进速度或者让马停步。

     我们要学的第一个习惯用语是:chomp at the bit。 Chomp意思是大声地嚼、咬。在赛马即将开始的时候,我们会看到参赛的马匹在起跑线上急不可耐地咬马嚼子,跃跃欲试,急于起步飞奔。这就是这个习惯用语的出典。习惯用语chomp at the bit用处当然不局限于马匹;它可以描绘人,比方下面的例子说的是一个拳击运动员。说话的人在谈电视上看到的一场拳击赛。我们来听听他用chomp at the bit来描述运动员处于什么状态:

     例句-1:I saw the champion was ready to defend his title -- he was jumping up and down in his corner, chomping at the bit to rush out and start punching as soon as he heard the bell.


     这里的chomp at the bit显然用来描绘跃跃欲试、急不可耐的样子。


     Chomp at the bit不只是用来描绘人们比赛前急不可待的状况,也可以用在其它场合。我们来听一个爸爸告诉我们他孩子在学期将结束前,已经迫不及待地想去夏令营了,但是心情这样迫不及待的不只是孩子。我们来听听还有什么人。请大家特别注意里面用到的习惯用语chomp at the bit:

     例句-2:Our four kids are chomping at the bit to finish school and go to summer camp. And you know, we're chomping at the bit ourselves to get them off for a month and give us some peace and quiet.


     刚才那段话里两次用到习惯用语chomp at the bit都是用来描绘人迫不及待的状态的。



     由此而产生了这个习惯用语:take the bit in one's teeth。让我们听个例子来琢磨习惯用语take the bit in one's teeth表示什么意思。这又是个父亲,说的是他女儿Betty一心一意要嫁给一个父母都看不上眼的人:

     例句-3:We told Betty she shouldn't marry Joe, but she took the bit in her teeth and ran away with him. Well, things came out okay. Joe turned out to be a good husband so we had a happy ending.


     Betty不遵从从父母的旨意,而且为了摆脱他们的束缚独断独行跟Joe私奔了,可见这里的took the bit in her teeth意思是摆脱他人的控制,按照自己的意志行事。


     习惯用语take the bit in one's teeth不仅用来说不受他人的控制,还可以有进一步的意思:就是独立自主,我们再听个例子。它说的是Bill厌倦了日复一日的刻板工作,而采取果断行动。我们来听听他做了什么,后果如何:

     例句-4:Bill got bored with his job, so he took the bit in his teeth, walked out one day and started his own company. He had a tough time at first, but then he started making money and now he's doing fine.


     这里的take the bit in one's teeth意思是独立自主。